Daniel Lepage on 15 Jul 2003 03:35:01 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Proto-prop: Aes Sedai

On Monday, July 14, 2003, at 10:55  PM, Baron von Skippy wrote:

Questions? Comments? Complaints? Offers of cash?

-It looks fine, but I'm staunchly against it because I don't think it can
coexist with my idea. But you could probably have guessed that

Oh, come off it. I like yours; I just like mine better. And that only
because of SkArcher's objection that the Source relies on outside materials.

-No offense meant; you have a nice idea. I like mine better because I get the feeling a lot of people have been exposed to enough of those outside materials to have a decent grasp of the concept, and the rest can use the URLs I posted. (Again, I'll probably be using those same URLs a lot myself.)-

I'd rather prefer to have this game be a game of B Nomic, not a game of 'Wheel of Time RPG'. Yes, we've incorporated outside things before, such as the Force and Football, but always in minor amounts; you're suggesting reshaping the entirety of the game around WoT. Also, the way your system is set up, knowledge of the books is practically essential, since the Ministers of the Source are expected to permit/forbid things according to the book; football and the force could be played with even by someone who had never heard of either, simply by reading the rule.

Again, as a private theme park, this would be fine; but I'd rather not see the entire game built up around it.


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