Joel Uckelman on 25 Jun 2003 20:25:01 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] The time has come, the Walrus said...

Thus spake "David E. Smith":
> I don't want this game to simply die out like A Nomic did (and,
> apparently, its predecessor Berzerker Nomic). Whether the game simply be
> brought to some formal conclusion (someone manages to hose the ruleset so
> thoroughly that further play is impossible), a handoff to some new Admin
> (you'll get a lovely shell account on Joel's machine as part of the deal,
> and some lousy PHP code), or something even more outlandish, this game
> deserves better.

I have two (related) suggestions:

1. I'm thinking of joining as a player sometime soon, and if I do I'll
make a proposal along the following lines:

a. Divide all of the game bookkeping that now sits with the Admin into
a bunch of smaller offices, keeping the Admin around to handle anything
that can't or shouldn't be handled by a player.

b. Require that in order to vote, propose, etc., a player must have held
office during some period in the past. Idealy, if there are n players in
the game, every player would do 1/nth of the work to keep the game going.
(This is only a sketch; e.g., some allowance would have to be made for
newbs, and if there aren't enough offices to go around.)

c. Prohibit anyone from holding the same office for consecutive terms.

2. It occurred to me that if I had a separate server for just this game,
I could give everyone an account there. That might make bookkeeping
easier. I'd be willing to run an additional machine (electricity is
included in my rent, I have an extra IP, and I'm already deaf from the
existing fan noise so another machine won't matter), and I still have the
P166 motherboard and RAM that used to be in charybdis, but I'm lacking the
rest of the guts (a NIC, a case, a HD), which I'm not terribly willing to
shell out for at the moment. If anyone is interested, and has the spare
gear, let me know.

(BTW, I've lost track of who had requested shell accounts. Remind me if you

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