bd on 5 Jun 2003 20:49:03 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Nweek 42 BALLOT

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On Thursday 05 June 2003 12:52 am, Mark Karasek wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Jun 2003 22:29:57 -0400, Craig <ragnarok@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>>>>> >> >>>>> ThisProp is not a real word; the rest looks real enough to
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> me... :)
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> >> >>>> -I Kick Wonko in the Ass for Unbridled Hostility (TM) to my
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> sanity.-
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> >> >>>>> I think we should add "performing an action listed on the
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> LOGAS" to
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> >> >>>>> the LOGAS.
> >>>>>> >> >>>>
> >>>>>> >> >>>> -So that you can get two kicks for the price of one? I
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> like.-
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> >> >>> Or better yet, let's add "being kicked in the ass" to the
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> LOGAS.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> >> >> -Or better better yet, make Kicking someone an act of
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Unbridled
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> >> >> Hostility. It just goes around and around and around...-
> >>>>>> >> >
> >>>>>> >> >I'd rather kick somebody an infinite number of times than have
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> two
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> >> >people kick each other an infinite number of times; maybe that's
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> just
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> >> >me.
> >>>>>> >>
> >>>>>> >>It's audience vs. participation.  When all you're doing is
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> watching,
> >>>>>> it
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> >>gets old after the first hundred thousand times.
> >>>>>> >>
> >>>>>> >>						Glotmorf
> >>>>>> >
> >>>>>> >-Exactly. I'm just spreading the fun around. Besides, if you kick
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> someone
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> >ten thousand times, I'll call you for spamming, kick you ten
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> thousand
> >>>>>> times,
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> >get called by someone else... my way limits the kicks per message
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> and
> >>>>>> thus
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> >the file size of the crap in our inboxes, if not the number of
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> messages.-
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> No. I can set my Automation Script to kick anyone who kicks me.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> -Which cuts down even farther on the messages...-
> >>>>
> >>>> You know, pretty soon this game is going to be entirely played by
> >>>> automation scripts and we can do away with the fora altogether.
> >>>
> >>> I dunno about you, but I can't come up with an AS that will consider a
> >>> proposal and figure out how it ought to vote. Or one that submits
> >>> decent
> >>> props. So unless you mean that we're going to come up with scripts that
> >>> pass
> >>> the Turing test...
> >>
> >> Eh, shouldn't be too hard. I'd show you one, but then I'd get my ass
> >> Kicked
> >> for using pseudocode. ;-)
> >
> > I hereby call TPR's bluff. Send it to me off-list at ragnarok at pobox
> > dot
> > com.
> >
> > -Teucer
> You know, I would, but Baron von Skippy's new automation script is much
> more elegant than my pseudocode one, so see his for an example.

Post it to -discuss - the LOGAS dosen't apply here.
- -- 
Perfection is acheived only on the point of collapse.
- - C. N. Parkinson
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