SkArcher on 22 May 2003 17:23:01 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Um, why?

22/05/2003 17:39:20, "Baron von Skippy" <baronvonskippy@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>>Ever heard the term monopoly?
>-Ever heard the term "politics?" Admitting that you're just out for control 
>was a Bad Idea (TM)...-

as opposed to the fact that your proposal would turn into a race to be the one who owned the entropy harvester, 
because 'The owner of a Harvester may cause a Can of Whoopass possessed by said Harvester to be moved to any 
location adjacent to the Harvester by declaring so in a Public Forum'

and thats to say nothing of the fact that you tried to do exactly the same thing only 2 nweeks ago :)


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 - Jordan Kennedy,

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