Daniel Lepage on 14 May 2003 03:53:01 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Force vs. Source

On Tuesday, May 13, 2003, at 10:48  PM, Orc In A Spacesuit wrote:

From: Daniel Lepage <dplepage@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
On Tuesday, May 13, 2003, at 10:00  PM, Orc In A Spacesuit wrote:
From: SkArcher <SkArcher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
13/05/2003 23:53:51, "Craig" <ragnarok@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

By the way, if you've ever played the RPG Mage: the Ascension, from White Wolf, then you can replace the standard nine Spheres with the Five Powers to
and use the same system to perfectly mimic how the One Power works.
Mmm, i really like mage, it requires a great cunning and a lot of 
thought to play properly, but it is such a versatile game
Correspondence is the sphere of choice :)

Well, we can do Mage stuff if you want.  Whatever's proposed, looks 
interesting, won't give anyone a particular advantage 
*coughjedicough*, and won't cause Dave to lose his sanity.
What's wrong with giving people advantages? My feeling is that if 
somebody gains some particular power or advantage, the solution 
should not be to confiscate it, but rather to provide advantages for 
other players to counteract it.
Oh, I'm all for advantages that are countered.  Don't get me wrong.

I also like the idea of some player rising to become more powerful than all the others through diligence and hard work. Otherwise, what's the point?
I'm for that too.  I think you're taking what I said too far.  I was 
just *cough* noting that the Jedi minister currently has an advantage 
that isn't really countered by any advantages other have.  And to gain 
that status, all that is needed is winning a simple election.
And tracking the Force Ministry Stuff. I accept extra Force Power in 
lieu of points, even though I'd profit more from the Points than the 
Jedi Lordness, because let's face it, destroying squares by pointing at 
them is infinitely more interesting than being rich. But given that I 
don't really use my Force Powers any more than the various Novice 
Knights do, I'd actually be better off if I took points instead.
But I don't want to :P

Anyway, if you want it to be countered, propose to replace some Ministerial Salaries with superpowers. That might also be a good way to encourage people to take on more ministries...

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