Craig on 14 May 2003 00:47:01 -0000

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RE: RE: [spoon-discuss] Force vs. Source

>>By the way, if you've ever played the RPG Mage: the Ascension, from White
>>Wolf, then you can replace the standard nine Spheres with the Five Powers
>>and use the same system to perfectly mimic how the One Power works.

>Mmm, i really like mage, it requires a great cunning and a lot of thought
to play properly, but it is such a versatile game

Mage has the greatest magic system of any RPG. My preferred non-magic system
is Sherpa, btw.

>Correspondence is the sphere of choice :)

Cor 1 is needed to do almost anything at a distance. My favorite character
of mine is an Ecstatic with virtually no training. Arete 2, and his magic
fires whenever he gets into an altered state - the preferred one being the
nervousness that comes with his job; he's a thief. His only rote is one that
makes him supernaturally aware of his surroundings, allowing for easy
evasion of security guards, cops, technocrats, nephpandi, etc. I would go on
about RPGs all day, but I'm aware it probably isn't of general interest.

BTW, we should add killer gazebos as grid objects.

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