Baron von Skippy on 12 May 2003 02:16:01 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] A cookie to the first person to identify the quote...

Grr. I really want to get my hands on a copy of book 10, but the local
libraries don't seem to have it yet, and I'm too broke to buy it.
I understand it's not worth the money to buy in hardback.
Yeah, that's why I'm waiting. I could probably scrounge up some unused cash 
if I tried, but it's not worth the effort.
I just found it at the library though... or at least, at their website; 
they've got four copies now (funny, none of them showed up when I checked 
the directory *from the library*) but three are checked out, and one is in 
but on hold, waiting for someone else who placed a hold on it.
-*waits patiently for a point*-

Whoops, sudden burst of sanity: Why am I announcing this on spoon-discuss?
-Because this is turning into a big let's-discuss-this-nifty-series-of-books-and-pretend-that-it's-important-to-the-game-fest. Or because you think it's important.-
Okay, ignore the earlier part of this message. Or respond many times to it. 
Your choice.
-Ooh, good trick... maybe people will be too confused to respond. Well, not me, but other people.-

How would Alchemy have different 'skill levels'? It seems that anyone with a good book and a distillery could do it...
-Change what the effects of using their potions are. A bad alchemist can blow up the Guild House with fifty pounds of No. 1 Black Powder. A /good/ alchemist can blow it up with a spoonful of acid, two bits of wire, and a ping-pong ball.
Well, that's Terry Pratchett brou... dragged into this. Who's next?-

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