bd on 10 Mar 2003 14:42:01 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] council fix fix fix

On Sunday 09 March 2003 01:49 am, Daniel Lepage wrote:
> On Saturday, March 8, 2003, at 11:23  AM, The Voice wrote:
> > Heh heh... oops.
> >
> > In my proposal entitled __Council Fix Fix__, add the following
> > DAMNYOUWONKO delimited text:
> >
> > In section C of rule 1229, change the text,
> > {{Petitions are removed from the Docket once ruled on.}}
> > to,
> > {{Petitions are removed from the Docket once approved or denied by the
> > council and after appropriate action (or non-action) has been taken by
> > the Administrator.}}
> If you undo that change, I'll vote for this. Otherwise, it gets my NO,
> for trying to do what my prop is already taking care of, and thus
> causing undefined behavior by trying to alter text that may not be
> there.
> Don't do that.
Undefined behavior? Nasal demons await.

Wait, this sounds suspiciously like a proposal...

I propose:
__void main(struct {int x} c)__

Create the following rule:
__Undefined behavior__

A. void main
Undefined behavior, AKA __UB__ is invoked when a proposal or rule performs an 
action listed in section C.

B. if((void *p)x == (void *)1)
When undefined behavior is invoked, a passable MO is created on the grid 
called a Nasal Demon. The Nasal Demon moves, once per nday, to the person who 
proposed the proposal which caused the undefined behavior, or proposed the 
last proposal to modify the rule which caused the undefined behavior. After 
three nweek, the Nasal Demon is removed from the grid. If the Nasal Demon is 
at the same location as a Player, a Can of Whoopass is thrown at its current 
location and the Nssal Demon is destroyed.

C. c = c++ + (a = b + a++)
The following actions cause UB:

* Referring to a nonexistent rule or proposal
* In a proposal, modifying text which may have been modified by another rule, 
* Any action which requires two or more CFIs to resolve.
* Using the text "void main" on a public forum, unless it is in reference to 
the creation of modification of this Rule, or as a quote. This item applies 
to players as well as rules and proposals.

Each honest calling, each walk of life, has its own elite, its own aristocracy
based on excellence of performance.  -- James Bryant Conant
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