Wonko on 3 Jan 2003 03:33:01 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Force Recognition,etc.

Quoth Glotmorf,

> On 1/1/03 at 10:44 PM Wonko wrote:
>> If I'm not a member of M-Tek I request admittance (It occurs to me that
>> Glotmorf gave bandwidth to M-Tek, and so under the charter I was required
>> to
>> do the same; however, I couldn't, as I'd already gotten rid of all of mine.
>> I'm not sure, but I think that means I get kicked out...)
>> Speaking of M-Tek, did I really only give 3 bandwidth to it? I thought I
>> had
>> more than that, especially given that I had the Token (or so I thought)...?
> Not to worry...M-Tek's charter reads, "For every bandwidth the Prez gives to
> M-Tek, each member other than the Prez automatically gives one bandwidth to
> M-Tek if said member has any bandwidth remaining."  The way I interpret this
> (and intended it) is that, if I give, say, three bandwidth to M-Tek, they're
> given to M-Tek one at a time, and each time the other members give a bandwidth
> if they have any left.  So if I give three and you only have two, your two go
> in and there's no grief.  So as far as I know you're still a member.

Oh, ok. I missed the "if e has any Bandwidth remaining" bit. Cool.


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