Adam Hill on 10 Nov 2002 23:48:02 -0000 |
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[spoon-discuss] Anne Boleyn's Head |
I propose: {{__Anne Boleyn's Head__ There exists on the Grid an entity known as Anne Boleyn's Head. If a Proposal receives no affirmative votes in an nweek, then the author of such Proposal shall be Haunted by Anne Boleyn's Head until the following nweek's ballot is sent out. Being Haunted by Anne Boleyn's Head causes half of the Haunted Player's total points to be transferred to the author of the Proposal that received the largest number of affirmative votes on the ballot that caused the Player to become Haunted. If more than one Proposal on the same ballot receives no affirmative votes, then the authors of all such Proposals shall be simultaneously Haunted. If there is a tie between Proposals that received the largest number of affirmative votes on the same ballot, then the points shall be divided evenly among the authors of those Proposals.}} _____________________________________________________________ Help save rainforest or feed orphaned chimpanzees with Redjellyfish Long Distance! _______________________________________________ spoon-discuss mailing list spoon-discuss@xxxxxxxxx