Wonko May Not Vote on 26 Oct 2002 05:39:02 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] The Daily Recognizer (Tuesday evening)

> * Glotmorf's "BvS didn't Win" CFI is 1155, assigned
> to Lord Gregarian.

I rule FALSE.  I say that you get the reward if you do
vote yes/no as appropriate.  Like this:

If you did vote no on a prop that passed, you get a
point for that prop.  If you did not, you don't for
that prop.

If that fails, I also cite the spirit of the game. 
I'm sure we all know what the author meant.

I've never played a so caught up on word meanings and
misinterpertations so much.

I'll have some general statement later.  Right now I'm
just plowing through email.

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