David E. Smith on 11 Oct 2002 04:27:02 -0000

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[spoon-discuss] y'know...

One of the easiest ways to get rid of the biggest problems this nweek
seems to have suffered (thus far -- the nweek is far from over) would just
be to excise the whole concept of socieities entirely.

You don't try to fix the cancer, you just chop it right out. (As a regular
smoker, I know all about cancer. ;)

Yes, this does mean excising a very small amount of possibly-healthy
tissue (the Upper House, which IIRC has not yet overturned a single damn
thing), but getting rid of all the ugliness (gnome scams, bandwidth
cheats, and massive headaches on the part of just about everyone) far
outweights that minimal cost. Hey, surgery is still far from a precise

The Grid is not, at least not yet, beyond repair (though for the time
being, I'm not sure 3D anything is overly wise). But the whole concept of
Societies was, is, and will almost certainly continue to be, fundamentally

If people want to team up, well, they're still certainly free to do so;
there's no need for massive rules and mechanics for that sort of thing. A
couple of players can get together and call themselves 'M-Tek' and all
agree to vote 'yes' on each other's proposals. Hell, there's no real
reason we couldn't have 'vSOI Membership Cards' that anyone can buy for
twenty points that give you a lifetime discount on gnomes. The massive
bureaucratic overhead, and logistical headaches, imposed by Societies
simply isn't worth the minimal payoff.


David E. Smith   dave@[technopagan.org|metadave.net|bureau42.com]
I'm a white male loser -- the profile of the serial killer (RSPW)

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