Glotmorf on 9 Oct 2002 02:38:02 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Re: [Spoon-business] Proposal: vSET stuff

On 10/8/02 at 10:27 PM Baron von Skippy wrote:

>> >I propose:
>> >
>> >{{
>> >__vSET Does Stuff__
>> >
>> >Create a rule:
>> >
>> >__Innovation Proposals__ {{Proposal, 4}}
>> >
>> >If at any time vSET has more than 100 points, any member of vSOI may
>> >an
>> >Innovation Proposal. All Innovation Proposals must amend at least one
>> >existing rule. No Innovation Proposal can do anything but amend an
>> >existing
>> >rule, and then only in the following ways:
>> >
>> >1) Create a new subtype of an object which can be purchased from the
>> >Account or vSET. [[ex: a new Gnome, or a new type of Speeder]]
>> >2) Create a new object type which will be purchaseable from the Gnome
>> >Account or vSET. [[ex: create GremCycles, sold by one of those]]
>> >
>> >After an Innovation Proposal is made, all members of vSOI may vote on it
>> >by
>> >declaring one vote, yes/no/abstain, to a public forum within 4 ndays of
>> >the
>> >Innovation Proposal's creation. For the purposes of counting votes, the
>> >CEO
>> >of vSOI's vote is counted twice. If an Innovation Proposal passes
>> >according
>> >to Rule 15, at the next time that there are more than 100 points in vSET
>> >the
>> >effects of that proposal are carried out, 100 points are taken from
>> >and 20 points are given to the player who proposed the Innovation
>> >}}
>> >}}
>>Ya know...if you'd only made vSET a resource pool, you could do all of
>>above with club props just by modifying the vSOI charter...
>>						Glotmorf
>-Any particular reason that's better? I'll keep it in mind if there is- I
>think it's about time for a Less Is More: vSOI, next nweek.-

Well, for one thing, you then don't need the approval of the entire playerbase just to do stuff like this; you only need the approval of the vSOI members.  This works for stuff like what you're doing, because all you're doing is manipulating resources within vSOI.

You can implement a club prop method for vSOI that has its members cast votes for innovation proposals, and where the CEO gets two votes instead of one.  It's even better than what you're proposing, because club props automatically get voted for by the club's members.


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