Orc In A Spacesuit on 8 Aug 2002 01:36:07 -0000 |
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[spoon-discuss] Too quiet, bd? |
bd has stated that it is too quite here. Although it is very far from complete, I guess I shall drop the bombshell of the rough draft my grand proposal now. Note that imcomplete matters on it include: *Removal and Revisement of the (MANY) rules that are incompatable with the ones presented in this proposal *A redefinition of Objects, including the Players, Administrator, and Game State (which includes things like The Clock).
*A definition of Events *All the possible Values, Properties, and Restricted Actions.Well, here goes, and remember, you have bd to blame for sending this incomplete mess to you...
----------------------------------------I make the following proposal, which aims to clear ambiguities, fix loopholes, and standardize the whole grid/object/entity/buy thing. It is a fixed up rule followed by a repeal/revise list of other rules so that they conform to this, and eliminate redundancy. I do this to clear things up and make way for more Goodieness?.
{{ I propose the following rules: {{__Objects__Preamble: The following words are capitalized in this Rule to show that they have special meaning. In all references outside this Rule, these words need not be capitalized. These words are: Rule, Object, Property, Value, Type, items in quotes, and the plural versions of those. Any reference to one of those words between '<' and '>' indicate that one of the word between the <> should be subsituted. This Rule and all parts of it defers to all Rules or parts of Rules that do not say they defer to this Rule, unless otherwise specified. IF a rule supercedes this rule, all parts not specifcally superceded or contradicted are still in effect.
A. DefinitionIn this game, there are Objects. All Objects have Properties. Properties have Values. An Object may only have a Property defined in a Rule, and Property may only have a Value defined in a Rule. Also, Objects, Properties of Objects and Values of Properties may not be modified, removed, added or redefined except as stated in a Rule. No Values may be over 255 characters in length. In the case of a Value being a deliniated list, each item in the list may not be over 255 characters, and the list as a whole is unlimited. If a list contains 2 or ore identical values, then all but the first of those values is removed, unless specified otherwise. If a Property has a default value, then that default Value if assigned to that Value upon creation of that object, unless specifed otherwise. If there is no default Value and no other Value is specified, then the Property shall be empty if it is a string or list (contain no characters or Values), and be 0 if it is a number. If those Values are not valid, and not default or other starting Values are specified, the Action creating the Object fails. All lists in this Rule are semicolon-deliniated. A "P-Integer" is an Integer that may not be lower than 0. "Real" means "Real Number" when it is stated as a Value Type. If an Action would result in any Value being an invalid Value, that entire Action does not happen.
A.1.Objects have the Property "Name", which is a string consisting of alphanumeric, whitespace, and non-semicolon, non-parentheses punctuation. Each object shall be referred to as either "<Name>", "The <Name>" or "The <Name> (Description to differentiate this Object from others with the same Name)", or by "<Nickname>". All Objects are given a name upon creation. All Independent Entities choose their own Name upon creation; all other Objects are given their Name by definition. No Name can be equal to any Property or Value, except as specified by a Rule [[No superceding necessary, a Rule just has to specify otherwise]].
Names are used for identification. Any similarity between the string of characters that constitute the name of an Object and a string of characters in the text of a Proposal, Rule, or Judgment shall have no impact on the implementation of that Proposal, Rule, or Judgment, unless the language of the Proposal, Rule, or Judgment specifically indicates the string of characters is referring to an Object of that name. [[For example, "the player JohnDoe" or "the player named JohnDoe."]]
A.2.Objects may have the Property "Nicknames", which is a semicolon-delimited list of strings consisting of alphanumeric, whitespace, and non-semicolon, non-parentheses punctuation characters, unless stated elsewhere that they may not. All Nicknames must be unique among all possible Values for all possible Properties of all Possible Objects, as stated by the Rules. A Nickname is added by any Independent Entity stating that e desires a Nickname for an Object [[emslef, player other than emself, a Gremlin...]], and if in 7 ndays there are no objections by any Independent Entity, that Nickname is added to that Object's Nicknames, if it is legal according to the rest of this rule. Nicknames may also be added by definition of an Object, in which place they are added immidiately. Nicknames may be used in any text in the game in lieu of that Object's Name, except when stating the Value of that Object's Name Property.
A.3.All Objects have the property "Types". Types is a comma-or-semicolon-deliniated list of alphanumeric Values. An Object is said to be a/an <Value> if it has <Value> in it's Types. For example, and Object with a Type Value of "Entity, Player" is "An Entity" and "A Player". [[Don't worry, it is pretty simple once you see the difference.]]
A.3.1[[This describes The Grid as of this writing, but can extend to other objects (more Grids, Tower of Babel...)]] "Physical Region" is a Type Value. Any Object with this Type may contain Locations[[A location is an Object with a Type of Location, as defined in the next section]]. In the definition of a Physical Region, there should also be a definition of the Locations it (can) hold(s), and define how those Locations act. Anything in such a definition supercedes anything it contradicts in this Rule.
A.3.2"Location" is a Type Value. A Location may contain Physical Objects [[By the referring convention in A.3,, this means any Object with the Type Value of "Physical Object"]]. A location may only contain Objects as defined by its definition and other Rules. Any amount of Locations may be "Declared One", in which case all such Locations declared together are considered to be one region for all intents and purposes of the rules, and all objects in one of these Locations are in both. The previous sentence supercedes all other rules that do not specifically supercede it. [[This is so that the Location "Bottom Floor of Babel" is considered the same as "Grid Location (x,y)".]] All Locations have the Properties "Substance" and "Previous Substance", which is a string. Whenvever a Location "Gains a Substance", its Previous Substance becomes its Substance, and then its Substance becomes the Gained Substance. Whenvever a Location "Loses a Substance", if its Substance is Equal to the Lost Substance, then its Substance and Previous Substance switch values. [[Note that this switching could cause some funny things if multiple things tried to *temporarily* change a Location's Substance and change.]] Locations also have the Property Engraving, which is a String.
A.3.3"Physical Object" is a Type Value. Physical Objects have the Property "Physical Description" Physical Description is a comma-or-semicolon-deliniated list of alphanumeric Values. A Physical Description Value may be used as an adjective in decribing a Physical Object that has that Value. Physical Objects also have the Property "Area", which contains the Name of all Location(s) the Object is in, seperated by semicolons. A Physical Object can only be in one Location at a time, unless those Locations are Declared One as a result of a Rule.
"Mobile" is a Physical Description Value. If an Object is Mobile, then it may take the Move Action [[It may move]].
"Can Carry" is a Physical Description Value. If an Object Can Carry, then it may take the Pick Up Action on any Object that is Carryable, and may take the Put Down action on Object it is Carrying. Any Object that Can Carry also has the Property "Objects Carried", which contains a semicolon-deliniated list of all Objects carried by by that Object. If 2 or more Values in this list are identical, and the Objects referred to by those names are identical, then those entries shall be combined into one entry, which be the orginal entry plus " (x)", where x is the number of entries combined. For all applications, this new entry shall be treated as x entries, of the part without the " (x) including for comparison to other entries for combination, but these pseudoentries shall not be considered against one another[[to prevent an infinite loop of combination]]. Any time any of the objects referred to by this combined entry are no longer carried, x shall be reduced by the number of object no longer carried.
"Carryable" is a Physical Description Value. If an Object is Carryable, then it may be the target of a Pick Up Action. "Throwable" is a Physical Description Value. If an Object is Throwable, then it may be Thrown [[The Throw Action may be taken with it]] by any Object that posesses it.
"Impassable" is a Physical Description Value. If an Object is Impassable, then another Physical Object may not take an Action that causes it to enter the Location the Passable Object is in, unless a rule specifies otherwise [[All a rule has to do is "*specify* that the Action may be taken". It does not have to state it supercedes this rule]]. If any Object enters a Location containing an an Impassable Object (An Object that does not have the Physical Description Value Passable), then the entering Object is Thrown Elbonia-Style at the Location it enters, unless specified otherwise in a Rule.
"Football Player" is a Physical Type Value. Only Mobile Independent Entities that Can Carry that are not already Football Players may become Football Players [[If someone gets turned into a Frog, they can still play if they already are, but can't join if they aren't playing already]]. All Football Players have the addtional Property "Team", which is a string that equals either "Crimson" or "Turqouise". Any Object meeting the qualifications to be a Football Player perfom the Join Football Team Action. [[Football is described elsewhere.]]
"Quake Player" is a Physical Type Value. Only Mobile Independent Entities that Can Carry that are not already Quake Players may become Quake Players. [[Quake will be/is described elsewhere. Until it is, Quake Player is meaningless.]]
A.3.4"Entity" is a Type Value. All Entities have the Property "Dependance", which can be either "Independent" or "Dependent". Entities with the Depenance Value of Independent are "Independent Entities"; all Entities with the Depenance Value of Dependent are "Dependent Entities". No action may, as a result, cause anything to happen or not happen as result of a Dependent Entity performing an Action that it has not been granted the ability to take, or has no way to decide to take that Action. [[Since Gremlims cannot take the Action 'Post a message declining a society invitation in a public forum', the Action 'Invite Robin to the society House Grem' cannot be taken. This should be covered in other rules, however, and is meant to catch accidents when an Entity forgets to be specific.]] All Objects may be affected by Events, but may not initiate an Action unless they are Entities.
A.3.5"Administrator" is a Type Value. [[Administrator powers are described elsewhere.]]
A.3.6 "Player" is a Type Value. [[Players are described elsewhere.]]A.4 All Objects have the Property "Status". Status is a list of alphanumeric Status Values. [[Status effects are described elsewhere.]]
}} Create following Rule: {{__Players__ A. Creation and PropertiesUpon creation, all Players are also Mobile Physical Objects that Can Carry, and Independent Entities, and have the following Properties, set to the follwing inital values:
Property Type Initial Value Score P-Integer 0 Wins P-Integer 0 BNS P-Integer 500 Charm Integer 1 Activity Integer 1 Respect Integer 0 Style Integer 0 Style Attributes String List Entropy Real 0 BAC Integer 0 Mischiviousness Integer 0 Titles String List Newbie Nobility Integer 1 Diety String B. Effects of Player Properties and Rule Governing Them B.1.Any Entity may give any Entity that has a Score any amount of ier Score, unless the receiving Entity has refused such a a giving.
B.2. If a Player is "Awarded a Win", the following occur: The Rule {{ __No Win For You__ {* Win, 9 *}Wins may not be awarded. This rule supercedes all other rules.}} is created.[[No vote necessary]]. Score, BNS, Charm, Activity, Style, Entropy, BAC, and Mischiviousness are all set to their initial values for all Objects that have these Properties, as though these Objects had just been created. The player who was awarded the Win receives one point of Respect and one point of Wins. The effects listed in Rule 440 occur, as though Universal Entropy had exceeded Maximum Entropy. The Clock is turned Off until the Watch reads three wdays [[so we can have a bit of a breather]]
If possible, play continues normally. B.3.An Entity's Charm increases by one whenever a proposal e has proposed passes. An Entity's Charm decreases by one whenever a proposal e has proposed fails. [[Note Entity; this is so that if other Entity get the Respect Property, they are affected by this too.]]
B.4.A Player's Activity increases by one at the end of an nweek if e voted on that nweek's Ballot; otherwise, unless the Player is on voluntary Leave, eir Activity decreases by one.
B.5.If a Player's Respect exceeds all other Players' Respect by at least 5, that Player gains the title "Respected One". If at any time, the Respect of a player who has the title "Respected One" fails to meet the aforementioned condition, that player loses the title "Respected One".
B.6.Once per nweek, a Player may spend eir Style Points to acquire Style Attributes from the Administrator. The Administrator may give any Player any Style Attributes so purchased. The Administrator may refuse to sell any Style Attributes e feels would disrupt the game, confuse any Entity, or modify any Object, Property, or Value other than the purchasing Player's Style and Style Attributes. All Style Attributes are listed after the owning Player's Name on all offical rosters. Style Attributes must be unique among all Objects, Properties, Values, and all such of the preceding that would be defined if any combination of current proposals passed, including the Style Attrbibutes of other Players. Players may not use Style to purchase attributes that alter or misrepresent the game state, or are in uniquely identifying use in the rule set. [[e.g. one can't purchase "has 1200 points" as an attribute, since it misrepresents the game state.]] Style Attributes are for vanity purposes only.
B.7. EntropyAt the end of each nweek, each player's Entropy shall increase by an amount equal to the sum of the number of proposals e had on the ballot for that nweek which passed and 1/2 the number of game actions (movements, purchases, throws, etc.)taken during that nweek. This includes any Actions which otherwise have no effect on any Object, Property, or Value [[Such as "Orc In a Spacesuit plays in the mud at ier position]]. [[See Game State for more on Entropy]].
B.8. BAC BAC may also be referred to as Blood Alcohol Content.Whenever a player drinks an alcoholic beverage, eir BAC increases by 1. At the end of each nweek, the BAC of each player with a positive BAC decreases by 1. If a player's BAC is greater than 5, e has the Status Inebriated. If, at the end of a voting period, a Player is Inebriated, e casts a random vote on (the player's BAC - 5) random ballot items, up to the amount of ballot items on that week's ballot. Said votes use up allowed votes of that Player on those items, and cannot be overriden.
B.9. MischiviousnessAn Entity's Mischievousness increases by 1 whenever any of the following events happen:
That Entity buys a Big Rock A Big Rock bought by that Entity Garths a Brook That Entity throws any ObjectAn Object thrown by that Entity is targeted at another Entity [[Not player here, to allow proper results for vandalism :)]] Any other Entity loses points as a direct result of that Entity throwing an Object
That Entity goes on Forced Leave That Entity Gives a player a Kick in the AssAn Entity's Mischievousness decreases by 3 whenever they perform one of the following actions:
That Entity becomes a Minister That Entity becomes the target of a Declaration of Respect That Entity Mentors a Newbie (Players only). B.10. TitlesA Title may "Awarded by Condition" or "Awarded by Event". If a Title is Awarded by Condition, then as long as any Player meets all the Conditions specified, then that Player has that Title, and loses that Title immidiately upon not meeting those conditions. If a Title is Awarded by Event, then Players gain that Title whenever the Rules state they do, and keep them until another Event causes them to lose it. [[The previous statement is redundant, but is included for extra clarity]].
B.11. Nobility Each Player's Nobility is always equal to the number of Titles e has. B.12. DietyDiety is the Name of the Diety that that Entity follows. An Entity may become a follower of a Diety as stated in the rules, or when conditions stated by a Player with the Title "Priest(ess) of X", where X is the Diety's Name, are met. Any Entity must choose to follow a Diety, in addition to any other conditions or rules, by stating eir desire to do so in a public forum, retraction between the statement and when e becomes a follwer. Any Entity may cease to follow a Diety by stating e does so in a public forum, or by follwing another Diety. No Entity may follow more than one Diety at a time.
{{__Game State__The Object Game State exists, with the following Properties: Name, Types, Status, nday, nweek, nyear, wday, wweek, wyear, Universal Entropy, Maximum Entropy.
All Properties, other than Name, Types and Status, are unique among all Properties of all Objects. Each of these unique Properties may be referred to as just "<Property>", in lieu of "The Game State's <Property>".
Maximum Entropy is initially 500.Universal Entropy is always equal to the sum of all Players' Entropy values plus the Entropy of all Ancient Monoliths. If Universal Entropy is ever greater than Maximum Entropy, the Clock will be turned off until the Watch reads 3 wdays, and the following actions will occur in order immediately:
* All Players and Ancient Monoliths are placed into Limbo. [[Ancient Monoliths too, so that the later Fire doesn't make everything go nuts]].
* All sirens, big rocks, big sticks, shields, balls of wax are destroyed. * All Gnomes not in Gnome bags are destroyed. * The Weather is updated * The Yeti is moved to a random square on the grid. * All Gremlins go into Hiding.* The Football is moved to a random square as if a touchdown had been scored. * In Rule 394, section A.2, the numbers 1 and 20 are switched. [[swap endzones!]]
* All Insta-Rules are destroyed. * Four Insta-Rules are enacted: {It is illegal to enter or remain in (10,10) without bouncing Elbonia-style} {It is illegal to enter or remain in (10,11) without bouncing Elbonia-style} {It is illegal to enter or remain in (11,11) without bouncing Elbonia-style} {It is illegal to enter or remain in (11,10) without bouncing Elbonia-style} * All Locations contained in The Grid gain the substance Fire. * All players receive 10 points. * All players' Entropy values are set to 0.At the end of the nweek in which the above occurs, all The Grid locations , 5 random squares become Mud, the Big Stick is placed on a random square, and all Ancient Monoliths are placed in random empty locations on The Grid.
If a player's Entropy exceeds ((Maximum Entropy) / (# of players)) / 2 , all eir messages posted to the public forum must consist of words of three or fewer syllables. If a player's Entropy exceeds (((Maximum Entropy) / (# of players)) / 4) * 3 , all eir messages posted to the public forum must consist of words of two or fewer syllables. If a player's Entropy exceeds ((Maximum Entropy) / (# of players)), all eir messages posted to the public forum must consist of words of one syllable. Comprehensible abbreviations and acronyms defined in the game rules are acceptable in order to comply with this. Also exempt are: numbers, typing symbols, quotes from current rules or other public forum msgs. (though not one's own msgs.), and comments. Any posts breaking this Rule are nnt considered posts for the purpose of any Rule [[meaning that any actions/proposals made are ignored]].
{{__Actions__Preamble: This rule defers to all other rules except __Objects__, except when specified otherwise.
A. DefinitionEntities may take Actions permitted them in the Rules. No non-Entity Object may take Actions. Actions are not Objects.
A.1. Effects of all ActionsWhenever an Entity takes a non-proposal Action, if it has the Property Entropy, it's Entropy shall increase by .5. If this equal increase is stated elsewhere in the rules, and is not stated to be a different increase, then both increases shall be considered one, and eir Entropy shall increase only by for both increases. This section defers to all other rules and sections of rules, except as specified otherwise.
B. RestrictionAny Action defined or referenced in any rule is a Restricted Action. Restricted Actions may only be taken when specifically permitted by the Rules. Any Action which is not Restricted is Unrestricted. Unrestricted Actions may be taken by any Entity at any time. Unrestricted Actions do not change any Object, Property, or Value, including Rules and Proposals, and do not affect the game in any way, except as follows:
Unrestricted Actions cause the normal change in Entropy, if applicable.Unrestricted Actions are part of posts in Public Forums, and may cause events related to posts, but not the actual content of the Unrestricted Action Unrestricted Actions may be processed by and may affect the judgement of Independent Entities. Note that this processing and affection of judgement are completly beyond the control of the Action (ie, an Unrestricted Actions can't say "Wonko decides to vote 'no' on all ballots this week" and make it so; however, as a result of processing an Action, may decide so of ier own free will).
C. Performance of ActionsAn Action is attempted by either a Rule saying an Entity does it, or by an Entity stating that e does it in a Public Forum. Actions may only be taken while The Clock is On.
If any Action cannot be completed in part, then the entire Action fails, and does not happen. The only Event that happens is that the Acting Entity tried to perform the Action; The Action does not happen. Valid Targets must be specifiedIf there is no valid Targets for an action (if that action has targets), then the Action fails.
D. List of Restricted ActionsThe following Actions are Restricted. Parentheses seperate parts of a senctence in this section, and are used for clarity. Other Restricted Actions may be defined elsewhere. If any Action listed in this Rule is defined in another Rule, this definition supercedes the other, unless such definition's intent is to define additional effects or qualifications of the Action, in which case the Effects defined at both are true, unless such truth would directly result in a paradox or is impossible, in which the definition not listed here is entirely null and void. This section up to this point takes precedence over all other Rules and parts of them, except when specified otherwise. Notes are addtional Rules. Wording is an alternate way to state an action, and may be adjusted for proper grammar. In Wording, '<>' are used to deliniate either Values or plain English text, and may include names and pronouns
Action: Move Reference to Acting Entity: Moving Entity Qualifications: Any Physical Mobile EntityTarget A: An Adjacent Location that (does not have an Immovable Object in it AND (if the Moving Object is a Player, does not have a Player in it)).
Effects: The Moving Entity's Location changes to Target A. Wording: <Moving Entity> Move(s) to <Target A>. Action: Jump Reference to Acting Entity: Jumping Entity Qualifications: No Entities at this time. [[Must be a Physical Entity]]Target A: A Location Adjacent to (a Location Adjacent to (the current Location of the Jumping Entity)) that (does not have an Immovable Object in it AND (if the Moving Object is a Player, does not have a Player in it)).
Effects: The Moving Entity's Location changes to Target A. Wording: <Moving Entity> Jumps to <Target A>. Action: Throw Reference to Acting Entity: Throwing Entity Qualifications: Any Physical Entity that Can Carry and is in a Region Target A: A Throwable Object in the Possession of the Throwing EntityTarget B: Any Location in the same Region as the Throwing Entity [[So no throwing in Limbo, as it is in no Region]]. May not be the Location of the Throwing Entity. Effects: Target A's Location becomes empty (is in no Location, and ceases to be in the possesion of the Throwing Entity). Target A gains the Status "Airborne" for 2 ndays. At the end of the two ndays, the following occurs: *If Target B contains an Impassable object, Target A is placed in a random one of (the closest (locations (that match the conditons to be a Target B that do not contain any Impassable Objects) in the same Region as Target B) to Target B). If no such Location exists, then Target A is moved to Target B, and The Gods of Incomplete Virtual Physics take the Crash Action on Target A. *If Target B contains a Player, and that Player has declared e will take the Catch Action on Target A, then that Player Catches Target A. [[Note that failure of this rule-dictated Catch means that the catch had never happened.]] *If Target B contains a Player, and that Player has declared e will take the Dodge Matrix Style Action on Target A, then Target B is changed to a random element of (Target B and Locations adjacent to Target B), and all the actions stated here are re-evaluated with the new Target B. *If there are no such valid Locations, or if any Throw Action results in any Location being Target B twice, then instead any other actions stated here, Target A is immidiately moved to Target B. *If Target B contains a player, and that does not Catch or Dodge Matrix Style Target A, (through non-declaration or failure), then e is hit by the object, losing 1d4 points to the player who threw the object, if one exists, or to the Gremlin Fund, if not. *If the square does not contain a player or an impassable object, the object moves to the square. Notes: In lieu of stating a Location for Target B, the Throwing Entity may state a Player in a Location that is a valid Target B; in that case, the Target B for this Action becomes the Location of the stated Player [[note that this can't be the Throwing Entity, as e is in an invalid Location B]].
Wording: <Throwing Entity> Throws <Target A> {at|to} <Target B>. Action: Launch Reference to Acting Entity: Launching Entity Qualifications: Any Physical Entity that Can Carry and is in a Region Target A: A Throwable Object in the Possession of the Throwing EntityEffects: Target A's Location becomes empty (is in no Location, and ceases to be in the possesion of the Throwing Entity). Target A gains the Status "Airborne" for 3 ndays. When Target A is no longer Airborne, the effect listed under "Throw" in this rule occur, as if Target A in this Action was the Target A in that Action, and had been Thrown 2 ndays ago, with Target B any Location in the same Region as the Launching Entity was when e performed this Launch.
Wording: <Launching Entity> Launches <Target A>. Action: Give Reference to Acting Entity: Giving Entity Qualifications: Any EntityTarget A: Any amount of Property(ies) that contains (a) Value(s) that may be given to another Entity, as stated by the Rules, that the Giving Entity has. If it is a numerical Value, then the minimum that may be given is 0, and the maximum is equal to that Value. Target B: Any Entity that has the Property(ies) in Target A, can accept all of Target A, and has not refused this Action. May not be the Giving Entity. Also known as the Receiving Entity.
Effects. All of Target A are transferred to Target B. Wording: <Giving Entity> Launches <Target A>. Action: Refuse Reference to Acting Entity: Refusing Entity Qualifications: Any EntityEffect: When Refusing Entity takes this Action, e also specifies conditions (such a Player giving, amount given, time, whatever). If the Refusing Entity is the target of a Give Action, and the specified conditions are met, the Give fails. Wording: <Refusing Entity> Refuses to be given (<Objects>) when <Conditions> are met.
Action: Exchange Reference: Exchanging Entitiy Qualifications: Any Entity Target A: Target A of the conditional Give Target B: Target B of the conditional GiveEffects: Exchange is a conditional Give, which occurs if and only if two Entities agree to the Exchange and perform the Exchange. Usual conditions required to agree include the specifications of the conditional Give the other Entity must perform. Other conditions may be added, such as the Target B be a certain Player or hold the Immunity Idol. To state that an Entity will Sell or Buy something for a Price means that the Entity stating so is stating that e will perform an Exchange with Target A of ier Give being the something, and the Give of the other Exchanging Entity must have a Target A of the Price. When such occurs, one entity, the one saying e will Sell, may be referred to the Selling Entity, and the other, the Buying Entity. If either Give Action does not occur or fails, then both Give Actions and both Exchange Actions fail completly. Wording: <Exchanging Entity> Exchanges eir <Target A> for the <Target A of Target B's Give> of <Target B> (with <conditions>). An entity may also state "I will sell my <Target A> for <Target B's Target A>", or something to that extent or equivelence to state a Buy or Sell. Notes: Any reference to a Buy or Sell action in any rule or proposal except this one refers to an Exchange action with the qualities state above, unless specifically stated otherwise.
}} {{__Events__ Events are things that happen. The following are events: Any Object is created, modified or destroyed (including rules and proposals) Any Action is attempted Any Action is completed Any Action is failed }} ----------------- Orc In A Spacesuit Current Status: Not yet in the game, yet already rewrote half the rules! _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com _______________________________________________ spoon-discuss mailing list spoon-discuss@xxxxxxxxx http://lists.ellipsis.cx/mailman/listinfo/spoon-discuss