Glotmorf on 2 Jul 2002 03:34:03 -0000

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Re: [spoon-discuss] Things wrong with "Junior G-Men"

On 7/1/02 at 10:25 PM Wonko wrote:

>Quoth Glotmorf,
>> On 6/30/02 at 2:56 AM David E. Smith wrote:
>>> Fourth, even if the other listed members could assent to membership, and
>>> could make proposals, they couldn't vote (their attempt to do so being a
>>> society rule, which defers to game rule 294). (This argument is a bit
>>> specious, but the others should make up for it.)
>> The attempt of the members of the Junior G-Men to vote is not a society
>> It is a requirement under Rule 578, subsection F: "All Members of a
>> auto-vote "yes" on any proposal the Society submits."  That means the
>> of the Junior G-Men are specifically allowed by the rules to vote.  Even
>> you interpret "these rules" to mean the text of Rule 294, Rule 578
>> F has a Chutzpah of 2, and therefore takes precedence.
>I'm sorry, where does it say that sections can have Chutzpahs that differ
>from their parent rule's?

Rule 497:

"If multiple subsections of a rule conflict with another rule, only those subsections with a Chutzpah higher than the conflicting rule will take priority over the conflicting rule. If multiple subsections of a rule conflict with each other, the subsection with the highest Chutzpah takes precedence; otherwise, normal precedence rules are followed."


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