Dan Waldron on 28 May 2002 01:28:22 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Winning v2.0

> I set my Dimship to 100 Score Buoyancy, 100 BAC Ballast.
> I buy 5 new DimShips. [[Nowhere does it limit the number of DimShips players
> may have :) ]]
> I name my five new DimShips Entropy Ship 1, Entropy Ship 2, Entropy Ship 3,
> Entropy Ship 4 and Entropy Ship 5, respectively.


> -- 
> Wonko
> wonders why e didn't do this earlier...

You are assuming that displacement due to your Entropy 2 is applied to
your virtual position created by Entropy 1.  My reading of the rule was
that dimensional displacement is applied to real player dimensions, not
virtual player dimensions.

This might, however, allow you to exist in multiple places at once.  I'm
not sure how we will deal with that.

Dan Waldron ICQ 57894467