Dan Waldron on 26 May 2002 02:59:05 -0000

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Re: spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: CFI 727 Appeal

> Why not divide them into Rules, Laws, and Regulations?
> Rules cannot be broken, Laws can be broken, but something bad will happen if 
> you do, and Regulations are opt-in Laws...

That's essentially what I am doing.  What I call Physical Laws cannot be
broken.  What I call Mutable Rules also cannot be broken (but maybe that
will change... but we would need to go through and specify penalties for
everything) and what I call Charter Rules are opt-in rules but there might
be different ways of opting in than just joining a club, for example we
could have a set of charter rules that applies only to Ministers, another
that applies only to Judges and so on.

Dan Waldron
ICQ 57894467