Ed Murphy on 17 May 2002 14:35:42 -0000

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Re: spoon-discuss: the not-yet-official results

dave wrote:

> These are not official voting results, because they don't yet include any
> of the score changes. Nothing's been modified on the roster yet, and the
> Clock is still Off (per Rule 3).
> But I thought you folks might appreciate a sneak peek. (This will also
> give everyone a chance to make sure their votes were correctly recorded,
> blah blah blah.)

Mine aren't in there.  And dammit, I've misplaced my copy of my voting
message... can someone bounce it here, please?

Ed Murphy <emurphy42@xxxxxxxxxxxx>          "I'm not sure I can go through
http://members.fortunecity.com/emurphy/      with it.  Leave, I mean."