Jonathan David Amery on 9 May 2002 01:22:07 -0000

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Re: spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Proposal

> On 5/8/02 at 3:37 PM Jonathan David Amery wrote:
> >I propose:
> >{{
> > {{
> >  __Consent of Ministers__ {*Minister,1*}
> >
> >  Any player who holds a title that makes them a Minister may cause
> >themselves to lose that title by announcing in a public forum that
> >they wish to take on the post of the Chiltern Hundreds.
> >
> > Any player nominated for any Ministry may repudiate that nomination
> >at any time by annoucing that they do so in a public forum.
> > }}
> >}}
> Um...the wha'?
 Oops - `nominated' and `repudiate' have 4 syllables...

 ...lets try again.

 And to quote from a UK parliament fact sheet:

Under a Resolution of the House of 2 March 1623, Members of Parliament
cannot directly resign their seat. Death, disqualification, elevation
to the Peerage, dissolution or expulsion are the only causes by which
a Member's seat can be vacated. Therefore a Member wishing to resign
has to go through the process of applying for a paid office of the
Crown, which automatically disqualifies the Member from holding a seat
in the House of Commons. There are two such offices: Crown Steward and
Bailiff of the Chiltern Hundreds and the Manor of Northstead.