Jonathan David Amery on 2 May 2002 11:57:22 -0000

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Re: spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Becoming a player

> >  I think I can be reasonably safe in saying that I've never heard of
> > rachel failing a turing test :). 
> Well, there was that one time back in '95, but that was because I hadn't
> revised properly and I'd been up all to late the night before playing
> scrabble and... 
> omnes: *glare*


> *ahem* sorry. Indeed not, but then if memory serves, I have met you irl
> once, so...

 I believe so, yes.

> I really ought to stop being surprised by coming across people that I know
> in unexpected places (though I'm not sure this should count as unexpected
> really, on second thoughts). Anyone else I know in here?

 Oh, I'm resigned now to only ever meeting the same 1000 people again...
