Wonko on 30 Apr 2002 21:15:34 -0000

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Re: spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: The Daily Recognizer (Tuesday morning)

Quoth Glotmorf,

> On 4/30/02 at 6:00 AM David E. Smith wrote:
>> As was already pointed out, the Fight Club proposal would have passed by
>> the Charter Prop. rules, but the regular voting rules do take precedence.
> Rule 32, that Wonko quoted, talks about props., but Rule 631 doesn't say a
> Charter Prop is a prop; it says a Charter Prop is *like* a "normal prop".  If
> it is only like a "normal prop", but defined on its own, and different from a
> "normal prop", then Rule 32 doesn't apply.

Then the rest of rule 32 doesn't apply either - the part about "what's in
the proposal becomes part of the ruleset". So if in fact a Charter Prop. is
not a normal prop, then it is incapable of changing the ruleset at all.

Besides, the Fight Club proposal was proposed before there was such thing as
a Charter Prop.; if it wasn't a normal proposal, then it had no business
being on the Ballot to begin with.
