Glotmorf on 10 Apr 2002 02:16:49 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Revision and a new proposal

On 4/9/02 at 9:50 PM Eric Gerlach wrote:

>__Can we talk about this later, honey?__
>__Shelving a topic__
>A Player may vote "SHELVE" for a proposal on a ballot.  For the purposes
>vote counting, votes of "SHELVE" count as votes against the
>proposal.  However, if the proposal fails no effects occur, as if the
>proposal had not failed.  This rule supercedes rules 124 and 154 in this
>regard.  Instead, at the beginning of the next nweek [[ recall that
>counting happens during the same nweek as voting ]], a new proposal is
>created which has the same text as did the final revision of the proposal
>that failed.  This proposal is treated as if it had been proposed by the
>original proposal's proponent.
>If a proposal is vetoed by the Administrator, this rule does not affect
>that proposal.
>[[ This allows us to postpone otherwise good proposals until the next
>if they have fatal, fatal bugs in them, rather than the proponent losing
>charm and points, not to menation having to repropose. ]]

Does the shelved proposal count against the following week's bandwidth limit?
