Glotmorf on 9 Apr 2002 23:51:19 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Bruce!

On 4/9/02 at 5:00 PM Tyler Crosby wrote:

>Oh yeah, this was what I was going to propose.
>Create a new rule, entitled __The Flaming Gremlin__ with the following
>delimited text:
>There exists a Gremlin known as The Flaming Gremlin, also known as Bruce.
>At the beginning of each nweek, after the Immunity Idol is awarded, Bruce
>gives a random player the attribute "Burnt".  When a player is Burnt, e
>make one fewer proposal then e would normally be able to.  No two players
>may be Burnt at the same time.  When a second player becomes Burnt, the
>first player loses the attribute "Burnt".  If a player who is Burnt makes
>proposals before a Ballot is issued, Bruce goes into Hiding until the next
>Ballot is issued. [[The player would then remain Burnt for an extra
>The player who holds the Immunity Idol is not considered to be a player
>the purposes of Bruce choosing a random player to become Burnt.
>This rule takes precedence over rule 212. [[Bandwidth Rationing]]
>-0- Thus Spake The Voice -0-

While the "Burnt" in your proposal is lexically different from the "Burned" in r355, I'd still like to see something sufficiently distinct to avoid confusion, so that we don't have another situation like "thrown" vs. "thrown Elbonia-style". (I suppose we could replace the latter with "hurled", except that now we have beer we may need that word for something totally different...)
