David E. Smith on 5 Apr 2002 13:47:49 -0000

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spoon-discuss: I'm still a-coming!

I've almost gotten my personal life back in order. I appreciate everyone's

This is the short version of the voting results; other end-of-week stuff
is forthcoming:

Passed: 491, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 516,
517, 518, 520, 523, 524, 528, 529, 530, 531, 532, 535.

And Bandwidth Rationing is still in effect.

Hopefully, everything else can wait just a couple more hours.


---- David E. Smith, POB 515045, St. Louis MO 63151
http://www.technopagan.org/    http://metadave.net/
http://www.bureau42.com/       http://whatIsay.com/

"There is so much randomness in the world that it's
a dice roll whether I'm happy or depressed." - TMCM