Wonko on 4 Apr 2002 00:24:18 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: The Late Late Late Ballot For nweek 11

Quoth Glotmorf,

>> Proposal 517/2: Notice how they do not so much fly as... plummet (Wonko)
> I'm thtill not clear on how a theep can dethtroy a rock on impact, even given
> a high-orbital intherthion.  Or ith it the theep that'th dethtroyed, rather
> than the impathable object?
> Too ambiguouth.  I mutht dithent.  I vote negative.
>> Proposal 518/0: Shear a Sheep to Sponge a Square (Wonko)
> And thinthe thith ith by nature dependent on the intercontinental ballithtic
> theep propothal, I abthtain on thith.

If a Sheep Gnome lands on a square occuppied by an impassable object, it is
destroyed and the square it landed on, each square consective to that
square, and all objects and entities in those squares gain the attribute

Note "The square it landed on". How could that apply to anything save the
object doing the landing?

>> Proposal 520/1: Exclusive doors. (Uncle Psychosis)
> Thorry, thport.  R395 thayth that "declarations of Respect are treated as if
> they were proposed by the Scoring Gremlin."  Unleth the Thcoring Gremlin ith
> to be eligible for the Token, voteth on declarationth of rethpect can't count
> towardth gaining the token.
> Perhapth the reathoning behind the judgment left thomething to be dethired, or
> better thtated, but the judgment ithelf wath fundamentally correct.
> I vote negative.

Ah, but did r395 always say that? I suspect that, if you look into the
records, you'll find that at the time of the CFJ, declarations did not come
from the Scoring Gremlin, but in fact from the player making them. The
judgment was, I'm afraid, somewhat in error. Still, changing it to UNDECIDED
helps nothing.

>> Proposal 522/0: A Santa that will never come. (Uncle Psychosis)
> I find it interethting to thee latter-day commentary on my earlier work.
> Thith reviewer doethn't theem to realithe that r212 wath crafted with a
> thpethicif purpothe in mind: catching up with Wonko.  My ethteemed colleague
> Wonko hath many good ideath for rule changeth, and not everyone thinkth in
> termth of keeping a lid on hith pointh; it ith therefore pothible that e could
> propothe fifty good ideath, and all of them would be adopted becauthe they're
> good ideath, and no one would conthider that that thimply catapulth him
> further into the lead.
> I thtill haven't caught up with him yet.  But I think I'm clothing the gap.  I
> vote negative.

Closing the gap? We'll see...

>> Proposal 523/0: And his merry men, too! (The Voice)
> Ecthplithit highway robbery by a bandit gremlin, ath oppothed to implithit
> highway robbery by tacthation?  What are the thtreeth of Bville coming to,
> friendth?  Are you thafe from crime?  Odd how the poor have jutht ath likely a
> chancth of getting robbed ath the rich do.
> I think I'd much rather thee thith weighted toward the people with more
> pointh...the arrogant and detherving.  I vote negative.

For one who would defend the PIG, this is an odd sentiment... destroying
things is somehow more righteous than merely stealing them? How odd...

>> Proposal 525/2: The Curse of the Cinquain (Wonko)
> Conthidering the art medium in quethtion ith an entirely opthional one, I fail
> to thee why tho many people choothe to revile it rather than ignore it.  Jutht
> becauthe I don't care to uthe live kittenth dipped in paint for thponge art
> doethn't mean the medium ith completely without merit.
> Okay, perhapth that wathn't the betht ecthample.  Thtill, I vote negative.

Ah, but hatred is not the issue, my dear Glotmorf. Perhaps you disdain to
paint with kittens; that does not mean that the medium is without merit, but
perhaps it does mean we ought not to pay you exorbitant fees for doing so.
Cinquains are so easy to make; if you want to catch up with me, my friend,
I'd suggest you close off the various methods of giving people bonus points
for free.

Not that I object to free points.

>> Proposal 531/2: Back from Exile (Wonko)
> Enrique, alwayth the crooning charmer.  Good to thee him featured in thith
> Nomiverthe.  And tho grathiouth of Wonko to thare billing with me.
> A pity thith propothal ith dethtined to become pig chow.  Thtill, I vote
> affirmative.

Not if a rather... unfortunate accident were to befall the esteemed Mr.
PIG... I suspect, given popular sentiment towards the PIG, that there is a
significant chance that e will soon cease to grace us with eir prescence...


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