Eric Gerlach on 17 Jan 2002 04:34:55 -0000

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spoon-discuss: Re: spoon-business: Revision to 267/0

At 09:44 AM 2002-01-16 -0600, you wrote:
The act of announcing changes of gender more than twice in an
nday and/or more than twice in an nweek shall be added to the
LOGAS.  A player changing eir Gender from Undeclared to any
declared state counts as a change of gender for this purpose.

I like this proposal a lot. As the self-proclaimed Nitpicking King, however, I must suggest that you move this bit our of the rule, and make it a third action in your proposal (along with the rule creation and modification). Just makes it more concise.

(Hey, if anyone has a spare proposal and wants to propose to give me the Title "Nitpicking King" or "Moron", I'd entreat that and vote in favour!!! - I am planning to use three proposals this week.... though maybe getting that Moron title is more important than the other rule change I was going to make)
