Jonathan David Amery on Wed, 20 May 2015 15:25:33 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] [s-d] Postponed Proposals

"Peter Cooper Jr." writes:
> I'd suggest also adding Postponed as a possible state of Motions in Rule 1-11
> , or else it may be interpreted that becoming Postponed doesn't stop it from 
> also being Submitted.

 Aha, that's where the list of possible states I couldn't find was.

> I'd also phrase the changing back to Submitted as being just "At the beginnin
> g of nday 1", rather than tie it to the Administrator turning the Clock back 
> On. Otherwise, a Submission and Postponement both before the Clock turns On m
> ay not do what was expected, or if the clock turns On, Off, and back On all o
> n nday 1.

 I'm not sure that the beginning and end of ndays are well defined in
the rules; but I guess it won't make the situation *worse*...

 Resubmit this proposal as:

Proposal(__A Little Extra Thought__) {{
  Add these two rules to section 4:

  Rule(__Proposal Postponement__) {{
    The Player who submitted a Proposal that is still in the state of
    Submitted may postpone it as a Game Action.

    This causes it to become Postponed.

  Rule(__Proposal Continuation__) {{
    At the beginning of nday 1 of each week any proposals
    in the state of Postponed become Submitted.

  Add the text {{, Postponed}} between the texts {{Open}},{{,}} in rule 1-11.
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