Elliott Hird on Thu, 29 Mar 2012 10:18:04 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] Proposal: New Rule

On 29 March 2012 15:42, 0x44 <bnomic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I climb into the hat, it becomes weighted. The hat passes to Wooble; the clock is on (at 3.1x speed (weighted)); the pass-code is tinker.

I call for a determination of the statement "The hat is currently weighted".

I submit the following reasoning: Codae is already in the hat. There
is nothing in the ruleset explicitly forbidding someone to climb into
the hat when it is already occupied, but several rules refer to "the
current occupier of the hat".

(Note that, since Codae is unburdened, the hat is not weighted unless
0x44 is in it.)

Murphy is currently It, so the Burden of Determination falls onto him;
as I am the caller, I become It. Of course, should he fail to deliver
a determination that gains the required 2 agreements within three
days, we'll have to go through the reassignment process.

(Remember that determinations now have to quote the full text of the
rules that the determination is based on — easy to forget this and end
up with an invalid determination...)

Since Wooble did not name a player to pass the hat to, he loses 3
points. I pass the hat to Arkady.
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