Gabriel Vistica on Tue, 1 Feb 2011 23:34:25 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] The Clock has an issue

Wooble, could you adjust the Clock so that it turns off at the end of the 7th 
nday of the week as well as the 10th?

I submit the following Proposal, entitled "One-based days":
     Amend Rule 3 as follows:
          Replace the text most similar to
          If The Clock is On, then at 00:00:00 UTC, the number of
          ndays on The  Clock shall increase by one, unless the
          number of ndays on The Clock is  equal to nine, in which
          case it shall become equal to 0 and the number  of nweeks
          on The Clock shall increase by one

          If The Clock is Off, then at 00:00:00 UTC, the number of
          wdays on  The Watch shall increase by one, unless the
          number of wdays on The  Watch is equal to nine, in which
          case it shall become equal to 0 and the  number of wweeks
          on The Watch shall increase by one.


          If The Clock is On, then at 00:00:00 UTC, the number of
          ndays on The  Clock shall increase by one, unless the
          number of ndays on The Clock is  equal to ten, in which
          case it shall become equal to 1 and the number  of nweeks
          on The Clock shall increase by one

          If The Clock is Off, then at 00:00:00 UTC, the number of
          wdays on  The Watch shall increase by one, unless the
          number of wdays on The  Watch is equal to ten, in which
          case it shall become equal to 1 and the  number of wweeks
          on The Watch shall increase by one.

     [[Switches the nweek to ndays 1-10 and the wweek to wdays 1-10. Nweeks and 
wweeks are currently 0-9 for their respective day types.]]


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