Geoffrey Spear on Fri, 28 Jan 2011 12:40:09 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] CFI on the nature of ntime

I submit a CFI with the title "Did this week begin?".

Plaintiff's Argument:
The recent Refresh Proposal we adopted set the nweek to 1000 and the
nday to 1.  The proposal was not enacted at precisely 00:00 UTC, so
it's unclear as to whether events that occur at the beginning of an
nweek happened at the beginning of this nweek.

The Watch is possibly in a weird state as well, since it was greater
than 10 at the time of the resolution of the emergency, and it's quite
unclear if it's possible to translate this into wweeks and wdays using
the procedure in the rules.

Start the clock.  Stop the clock.  [[resets the Watch]]

Set the nweek to 999 and the nday to 9.

Start the clock.

[[at 00:00 UTC, we'll have a somewhat clarified gamestate.]]

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