James Baxter on Thu, 7 Oct 2010 17:08:42 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] [Metamin] Clock Report declaration

I hereby declare that the values of the clock are, to the best of my knowledge, displayed at the page found at http://b.nomic.net/index.php/Clock_automatic which fulfills the requirement of being on a wiki related to B Nomic (a "B Nomic wiki"). I will endeavor to fix any errors in this display. My duties to display the values of the Clock will be partially automated as the aforementioned page is regularly updated by the Objnomic bot.

This should remove my requirement to produce clock reports. I realise it is slightly late but that does not matter as the clock display on the wiki was still correct on nday 1, this just clarifies the idea of a B Nomic wiki within the rules. 		 	   		  
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