James Baxter on Wed, 1 Sep 2010 10:32:09 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] Proposal: Material Girl

> From: bnomic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2010 18:37:46 -0500
> To: spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [s-b] Proposal: Material Girl
> I submit the following proposal entitled "Material Girl":
> {{
>   Create a rule entitled "The Ministry of Dirty Tricks."
>   {{
>     The Minister of Dirty Tricks, also known as the Artisan is a ministry responsible for the creation and tracking of Artifacts.
>     The Minister of Dirty Tricks report includes the following:
>      * The list of extant Ordinary Artifacts, their Powers, and Cost. 
>      * The list of extant Unique Artifacts, their Powers, and their Owner.
>      * For each Player, the Artifacts e owns.
>   }}
>   Create a rule entitled "Artifacts"
>   {{
>     An artifact is a non-revisable object that Players may possess. Artifacts have several attributes Name, Uniqueness, Powers, Cost, and if the artifact's Uniqueness Attribute is "Unique", Owner. The Uniqueness attribute is an attribute defined at artifact creation as either "Unique" or "Ordinary", a Unique artifact may have only a single owner for its existence and may not be transfered to another Player. 
>     An Artifact has an Attribute Cost. An Ordinary Artifact's Cost is determined by the Artisan at its time of creation. Upon successfully being created in the possession of a Player, the Cost of a Unique Artifact is set to the amount e bid for the Artifact in the previous auction.
>     An Artifact may have any number of Powers which may affect the gamestate in ways not strictly permitted by the rules, except that no Power may alter the Rules, grant a Player a Win, Cause a Proposal to Pass, or alter another Player's votes on any Proposal. 
>     Once per nweek before the start of Corvette, and without two objections, the Artisan may create an Artifact by announcement. The Artisan's announcement includes the name of the Artifact, any associated powers and their operation, whether the artifact is ordinary or unique, and if the Artifact is Ordinary its cost. At the start of Ballotday, if the dependent action succeeded and the Artifact is Ordinary, the Artifact is created; Players may exchange a number of points from eir score equal to the cost of the Artifact, whereupon that number of points is deducted from eir own score and a copy of the artifact is created in eir possession. If, however, the Artifact is Unique, then the artifact is auctioned. Players may bid points from eir score, bidding ends at the end of Thirnight, the Player who bid the most points from eir own score has that amount deducted from eir score attribute and the Artifact is created in eir possession.
>   }}
>   Create the following Ordinary Artifacts: 
>   {{
>     Name: Seven League Boots
>     Uniqueness: Ordinary
>     Powers: 
>       Speedy Movement: A Player who possesses a copy of the Seven League Boots MAY move at twice the rate per phase permitted by the rules.
>       Trip: A Player who possesess a copy of the Seven League Boots MAY cause another non-Victim Player who is in the same room as the possessor at the beginning of the Phase to be unable to move for this phase. The tripped player may gain no failure for moving.
>     Cost: 25
>   }},
>   {{
>     Name: Sticky McTwisty's Proximity Mine
>     Uniqueness: Ordinary
>     Powers:
>       Mine: A Player who possesses a copy of this Artifact may destroy eir copy to Mine a Location. If the Victim enters that Location, the former owner who mined the Location may commit Attempted Murder by announcement, even if another non-Victim player is in a Location with a peephole to the current Location of the Victim. After one nweek, the Proximity Mine will detonate and any player in the Location will be sent back to the Origin.
>     Cost: 10
>   }},
>   {{
>     Name: Pig Pen's Smoke Grenade.
>     Uniqueness: Ordinary
>     Powers:
>       Blind: A Player who possesses a copy of this Artifact may destroy it to blind a Location. For the purposes of Committing Attempted Murder, no other Location is considered to be a Peephole to the blinded Location for one phase.
>     Cost: 5
>   }}
> }}

This is proposal 2054.

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