Craig Daniel on Mon, 26 Jul 2010 21:52:13 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] Let's add some gameplay, shall we?

I submit the following proposal, entitled "Gosh, that guy sure does
seem to be somewhat fortunate, doesn't he?" ttPF:

[[Note: this version has been edited from the unintentionally-proto;
all changes are indicated by comments. Also I'm going to summarize the
gameplay in comments along the way in this version, so people can
follow in not-legalese.]]

Amend Rule 49 by adding the following sections:
B.9. Body Count

If at any time a player's Body Count exceeds that of all other players
by at least two, that player is immediately awarded a win.

B.10. Failure

When a player joins the game who has not been a player at any time
during the past two nweeks, that player gains 1d8 Failure points.
Players may destroy their own Failure points at any time.

A player whose Location did not change during the previous Phase may
gain one Failure point by announcement; gaining Failure in this way
more than once in a Phase is INEFFECTIVE.

[[Removed redundant Body Count reset.]]

Set each player's Failure to 1d8.

Amend Rule 3 by adding the following text to the end:
A Phase is a unit of ntime shorter than the nweek but longer than the
nday. Phases begin at the start of every Mulberry, Joel, and Zarpint,
and each Phase ends the moment the next Phase begins. [[No new phase
begins on Breakday; there are three starting each nweek.]]

Create a Rule entitled "The Minister of Crime":
The Minister of Crime, also called the Victim, is a ministry. The
Victim has no duties and does not have an nweekly report, but CAN and
SHOULD track changes of Location, Failure, and Body Count on behalf of
the Registra and update the Wiki accordingly.

If the Victim forfeits the game or the ministry otherwise becomes
vacant, then the Minister of Default immediately also becomes the
Minister of Crime.

[[Yeah, the proto forgot to mention that it is in fact a ministry.
While any sane judge would infer this, I don't want to look for sane
judges in B. Also, now there's a backup Victim; it's the obvious
choice for backup anyhow.]]

Make compsciguy the Minister of Crime.

[[That's new. Thanks for volunteering, compsciguy.]]

Create a Rule entitled "Location, Location, Location":
Locations are Attributes defined as Locations by the rules. No player
may have more than one Location at any given time. A player is said to
be "in" their Location. [[eg a player whose Location is the Piazza is
in the Piazza.]]

Each possible Location has associated with it a number of other
Locations to which players who have that Location can change their
Locations. Changing to a Location not on this list is INEFFECTIVE.

Create a rule entitled "Movement":
Once per Phase, a player MAY change their Location. Any time the
Victim enters the same room as another player, that player MAY change
their Location an additional time during that Phase.

The Victim CAN and MUST change their Location twice during every
Phase. The Victim MAY NOT change to a Location e was in during that
Phase or the previous one. [[eg if the Victim moves from the
Downstairs Hall to the Trophy Room, e MAY NOT move back to the
Downstairs Hall Hall and therefore MUST next move to the Lancaster

[[Or, in normal-person speak: we wander from Location to Location; if
we get a visit from the Victim, we get to move around even more so
that we can try to maneuver ourselves into a position to Commit
Attempted Murder. The Victim has to move to new places - all you have
to do to get a kill is exploit that fact.]]

[[I gave the Victim a little more freedom and simplified the rule in
the process, while keeping enough predictability that you can
hopefully get your murder on.]]

[[Wishlist for future proposals, item 1: the game this is all based on
has cards that let you move Doctor Lucky around to open up more
opportunities to kill him. Something along those lines might be
useful, though I do not wish to try to implement a card mechanic and
have gone to great lengths to avoid it. Perhaps we could move the
Victim by spending Failure? I dunno. But let's get used to this
version for a little while first, then tweak it.]]

Create a Rule entitled "The Blueprint":
The following Locations exist:

A. The Lancaster Room
B. The Trophy Room
C. The Drawing Room
D. The Foyer
E. The Library
F. The Patio
G. The Piazza
H. The Hedge Maze
I. The Winter Garden
J. The Kitchen
K. The Wine Cellar
L. The Dining Hall
M. The Main Hall
N. The Downstairs Hall
O. The Upstairs Hall
P. The Master Suite
Q. The Armory
R. The Servants' Quarters
S. The White Room
T. The Greenhouse
U. The Nursery
V. The Lilac Room
W. The Tennessee Room
X. The Billiard Room
Y. The Sitting Room
Z. The Parlor
*. The Carriage House

Passages and Peepholes are ordered pairs of Locations defined as such
by the rules.  Neither of these is necessarily symmetric.

A player who is otherwise allowed to change their Location can change
their Location to a specific value if and only if their old and new
Locations (in that order) are a Passage.

A player cannot Commit Attempted Murder if eir Location and any other
player's Location (in that order) are a Peephole.

The following Passages exist:

(A,B) (A,H) (A,J) (A,N)
(B,A) (B,C) (B,N)
(C,D) (C,H) (C,M)
(D,C) (D,E) (D,M) (D,G) (D,H)
(E,D) (E,M) (E,F)
(F,M) (F,G) (F,E)
(G,F) (G,H) (G,D)
(H,A) (H,C) (H,G) (H,I) (H,D)
(I,H) (I,J)
(J,A) (J,I) (J,K) (J,N)
(K,J) (K,*)
(L,M) (L,N) (L,*)
(M,C) (M,D) (M,E) (M,F) (M,N) (M,Z)
(N,A) (N,B) (N,J) (N,L) (N,M) (N,O)
(O,P) (O,R) (O,S) (O,U) (O,V) (O,Z) (O,N)
(P,O) (P,Q)
(Q,P) (Q,R)
(R,O) (R,Q) (R,S)
(S,O) (S,R) (S,T)
(T,S) (T,U)
(U,O) (U,T) (U,V) (U,X)
(V,O) (V,U) (V,W)
(W,V) (W,X)
(X,W) (X,Y) (X,Z) (X,U)
(Y,X) (Y,Z)
(Z,O) (Z,X) (Z,Y) (Z,M)
(*,K) (*,L)

The following Peepholes exist:

(A,B) (A,H) (A,J) (A,N) (A,A)
(B,A) (B,C) (B,N) (B,B) (B,J)
(C,D) (C,H) (C,M) (C,C) (C,E) (C,F)
(D,C) (D,E) (D,M) (D,D)
(E,D) (E,M) (E,E)
(F,C) (F,M) (F,F) (F,G)
(G,F) (G,H) (G,G)
(H,A) (H,C) (H,G) (H,I) (H,H)
(I,H) (I,J) (I,I) (I,K)
(J,A) (J,I) (J,K) (J,N) (J,B) (J,J)
(K,J) (K,*) (K,I) (K,K) (K,L)
(L,M) (L,N) (L,*) (L,B) (L,K) (L,L)
(M,C) (M,D) (M,E) (M,F) (M,N) (M,M)
(N,A) (N,B) (N,J) (N,L) (N,M) (N,N)
(O,P) (O,R) (O,S) (O,U) (O,V) (O,Z) (O,O)
(P,O) (P,Q) (P,P) (P,R) (P,V)
(Q,P) (Q,R) (Q,Q)
(R,O) (R,Q) (R,S) (R,P) (R,R) (R,T)
(S,O) (S,R) (S,T) (S,S)
(T,S) (T,U) (T,R) (T,T)
(U,O) (U,T) (U,V) (U,U)
(V,O) (V,U) (V,W) (V,P) (V,V)
(W,V) (W,X) (W,W)
(X,W) (X,Y) (X,Z) (X,X)
(Y,X) (Y,Z) (Y,Y)
(Z,O) (Z,X) (Z,Y) (Z,Z)
(*,K) (*,L) (*,*)

[[Peepholes without Passages are at the ends of their rows on the
Peephole list and vice versa; otherwise they are alphabetized. Every
Location currently has a Peephole to itself. Also, all current
Passages and Peepholes are symmetric except for (B,C). Passages
without Peepholes are rare.]]

[[The above is refactored in a way that is less formatting trouble
than Murphy's but basically per his suggestion. The list has been
edited slightly because the refactoring called my attention to some
unintended asymmetries. Also, the restrictions that go at the end of
the refactored version, I decided are fussy but not in a way that's
worth it. Ergo, they are gone.]]

[[Wishlist item 2: Let's make this map our own, shall we? The strength
of Nomic is its editability; there's no good reason for this
shamelessly ripped off map to last. Also, I want more creative
locations. the Altar To Some Dark Forgotten God, Here There Be
Dragons, the Outhouse, and so forth.]]

Put all players in the Foyer except the Victim. Put the Victim in the
Drawing Room.

Create a new rule entitled "Murder Most Foul":
Players who are in the same Location as the Victim CAN and MAY Commit
Attempted Murder by announcement, unless a rule indicates otherwise.

[[Basically: the two of you have to be away from prying eyes, where
the closeness of witnesses is defined by the list of locations.]]

No player may Commit Attempted Murder during a Phase in which they
have already gained Failure or Committed Attempted Murder. [[Give the
Victim a breather.]]

Two ndays after a player Commits Attempted Murder, if the sum of eir
Failure and the Victim's Failure is less than the number of Failure
points destroyed during that two-nday period, the player who Committed
Attempted Murder gains one Failure. Otherwise, the following events
occur, in order:

1. That player's Body Count increases by one.
2. That player becomes the Victim.
3. All players except the Victim are placed in the Foyer.
4. All players who have destroyed any of their Failure points in the
past nweek have their Failure set to 1d8.

[[The restriction on other players being in the room with you is gone
- because, instead, it's part of the location list.]]

Amend Rule 79 by adding the following to the LOGAS:
Attempting IMPOSSIBLE changes of Location [[as it causes headaches for
the Registrar]]

I transfer one point each to compsciguy and Murphy for assistance with
this proposal. (The latest Registrar's report shows me at -2, but I
believe I have received five since then and thus have three to give

 - teucer
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