Craig Daniel on Sun, 25 Jul 2010 08:35:21 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Multiple names, part two.

While names are usually spoken of in the singular, the existence of
titles makes it clear that it is possible to have multiple names at

I register, and wish to be known by the following names (each placed
inside the standard delimiters so you can tell that the commas aren't
part of the names): {{Rule -9999}}, {{Codae}}, {{Hose}}, {{JamesB}},
{{Marr956}}, {{Murphy}}, {{Gitchel, The One and Only Respected One}},
{{lilomar}}, {{compsciguy}}, {{703B E29B E9CC E4ED A7E2 7F62 1608 627B
1BA5 7726}}, {{teucer}}, {{Craig B. Daniel}}, {{Rule 700}},
{{Respected One}}.
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