bnomic on Sat, 16 Jan 2010 16:58:05 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] [change] Ballot for nweek 161 - 16 Jan 2010.

This is the ballot for nweek 161 - 16 Jan 2010

Format your votes in any way that's clear. Remember, a vote on each proposal must be 
exactly one of YES, NO, SHELVE, or ABSTAIN; other words are ignored. The full text of 
open proposals is available at 

The proposals are:
  2006 - Cleaning up after the RP (JamesB) [_______]
  2007 - Wine is unhealthy (Marr965) [_______]
  2008 - Increasing the Gnome Population (JamesB) [_______]
  2009 - Adding the Rulekeepor (JamesB) [_______]
  2010 - Appellation (0x44) [_______]
  2011 - Enforce required actions (JamesB) [_______]
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