Charles Walker on Wed, 2 Sep 2009 02:52:36 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] [Notary] Contract Text and Parties

Notary's Contract Text and Parties Report

Bdi ta Askatasuna

The name of this Partnership is the Bdi ta Askatasuna. Parties to this
contract SHALL NOT act in a way detrimental to the prospect of
restoring B Nomic's national sovereignty, and SHOULD take any
available actions to help restore said sovereignty. Members of the Bdi
ta Askatasuna SHALL act to ensure that it obeys all the rules of any
game of Nomic in which it is participating. Any party to this contract
CAN cause it to join any game of Nomic which permits its participation
by announcement. Any party to this contract CAN, with Bn consent among
its members or without objection by any member of this contract, act
on its behalf. Any party to this contract CAN amend it without
objection by any other member.

If the Bdi ta Askatasuna is a player of B Nomic and Supine in that
game, anymember CAN cause it to sit by announcement.
If the Bdi ta Askatasuna is a player of B Nomic and there exists an
ongoing election for the title of Ambassador in that game, any member
CAN cause the Bdi ta Askatasuna to nominate itself for that title.

The Guessing Game


This agreement is a public contract and a pledge called The Guessing Game.

Parties to this contract who are not its contestmaster are called Guessers.


If this contract is a contest, its contestmaster CAN be flipped by any
Guesser without Guesser objection or by the current contestmaster to
another consenting Guesser.


A Guesser CAN submit a Guess by publishing it; a valid Guess clearly
specifies a proposal which has not yet been distributed, has not been
publicly retracted before the distribution of the specified proposal,
and contains the word "PASS" or "FAIL", but not both.


For the purposes of this section, X = the number of Decisions on
whether to adopt proposals (which had a least two different valid
Guesses) which were resolved in the last week and Y = the total number
of points that the contestmaster CAN award during a single week.

If this contract is a contest, as soon as possible after the end of
each week the contestmaster SHALL award points as follows:

For each proposal which was ADOPTED in the past week and there were at
least two different valid Guesses on, e SHALL award FLOOR((Y/X) / (the
number of valid PASS Guesses on the proposal)) Points to each Guesser
who submitted a valid PASS Guess on that proposal.

For each proposal which was REJECTED in the past week and there were
at least two different valid Guesses on, e SHALL award FLOOR((Y/X) / (the
number of valid FAIL Guesses on the proposal)) Points to each Guesser
who submitted a valid FAIL Guess on the proposal.


If the proposal titled, "B Needs Women^WGameplay" passes, I pledge to
self-nominate for election to the


Goethe's Vote Pledge
Parties: Goethe

I pledge that any player CAN, by announcement, cast all of my votes on
proposals within a single proposal distribution on my behalf provided:
(1) no other player has already done so;
(2) that player transfers a vote coin to me in the same message
   in which e does so.
I pledge not to cancel or alter any such votes cast.  I CAN terminate this
pledge by announcement, but if I do so it does not terminate this pledge
for any proposals in their voting period at the time I terminate it.

C-walker (Charles Walker)
spoon-business mailing list