0x44 on Thu, 28 May 2009 13:29:33 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] [Promotor] Distribution of Proposals 1950-1954

I vote FOR all of the below proposals, except for proposal 1952. I vote AGAINST 1952.

- 0x44

On May 28, 2009, at 9:22, Geoffrey Spear <wooble@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

NOTE: I'll distribute Goethe's proposal separately so it doesn't cause
the rest of these to get stuck in the queue.  BobTHJ's proposal
referencing P1945's rule numbers is also being held so e can revise it
to match the likely gamestate.

This distribution of proposals 1950-1954 initiates the Bn
Decisions on whether to adopt them.  The eligible voters for ordinary
proposals are the active players, the eligible voters for democratic
proposals are the active first-class players, and the vote collector
is the Assessor. The valid options on each decision are FOR, AGAINST,

1950 O 0 1.0 Tiger                Cleaning the Janitor's office
1951 O 1 1.0 0x44                A less Agoran map
1952 D 1 3.0 Tiger               Geography Anarchy
1953 D 1 2.0 C-walker            Gnomes
1954 D 1 3.0 Wooble              rewikification

chamber: O = Ordinary; D = Democratic
interest: 0-3 = interest index

Proposal ID numbers:
    highest orderly: 1954
    disorderly: none


Proposal 1950 (Ordinary, AI=1.0, Interest=0) by Tiger
Cleaning the Janitor's office

Amend Rule 2247 (The Janitor) by replacing "one more" in the second
paragraph with "one or more".


Proposal 1951 (Ordinary, AI=1.0, Interest=1) by 0x44
A less Agoran map

 Replace the text of Rule 2105 with the following:
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Proposal 1952 (Democratic, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by Tiger
Geography Anarchy

Repeal Rule 2105.


Proposal 1953 (Democratic, AI=2.0, Interest=1) by C-walker

Repeal the Rule titled "Notes".

Amend the Rules "Rests" and "Just Resting" by replacing all instances of "Note" with "Gnome" and all instances of "Notes" with "Gnomes", in the order
that they appear.

Create a new power 2 Rule titled "Gnomes" with the following text:


Gnomes are a class of fixed assets. Ownership of Gnomes is restricted to players. Each Gnomes has exactly one type as defined by the Rules. Each type
of Gnome is a currency.

Primary Gnomes, Secondary Gnomes and National Gnomes are all sub- classes of

The Gardener is an office, and the recordkeeper of Gnomes.


Create a new power 2 Rule titled "Gaining Primary Gnomes":


The following types of Primary Gnome exist:

Water   (Wa)
Earth   (Ea)
Grain   (Gr)
Summer  (Su)
Herb    (He)
Air     (Ai)
Fire    (Fi)
Alien   (Al)

Gnomes are gained as follows:

(1) (Wa) At the end of each week, for each player, if the number of eir interested proposals that were adopted during that week is positive and the number of eir interested quorate proposals that were rejected during that week with VI >= AI/2 is 0, then each such player gains a number of Water Gnomes equal to the highest interest index among all such proposals authored
by that player.

(2) (Ea) At the end of each week, each player who completed the non- empty set of weekly duties of at least one office during that week gains a number of Earth Gnomes equal to the highest interest index among all such offices.

(Ai) At the end of each month, each player who completed the non- empty
set of monthly duties of at least one office during that month gains a
number of Air Gnomes equal to the highest interest index among all such

(3) (He) At the end of each week, each player who published at least one on-time judgement during that week gains a number of Herb Gnomes equal to
the highest interest index among all such cases.

(4) (Fi) At the end of each week, each player who gained at least one Point
during that week gains a Fire Gnome.

(Al) At the end of each week, each contestmaster who awarded at least
one Point during that week gains a Alien Gnome.

(5) (Su) At the end of each week, each player who authored at least one proposal with an Interest Index of 2 that passed during that week gains a
Summer Gnome.

   (Gr) At the end of each week, each player who authored at least one
proposal with an Interest Index of 3 that passed during that week gains a
Grain Gnome.


Create a new power 2 Rule titled "Secondary Gnomes":


The following types of Secondary Gnome exist:

Grain   (Gr)
Grape   (Gr)
Wine    (Wi)
Bomb    (Bo)
Beer    (Be)
Tea     (Te)

A player CAN combine (syn. spend, destroy) Gnomes e owns as follows:

(Gr) A player CAN combine a Water Gnome and an Earth Gnome to create a Grain
Gnome in a specified player's possession.

(Gr) A player CAN combine a Summer Gnome and an Earth Gnome to create a
Grape Gnome in a specified player's possession.

(Wi) A player CAN combine a Water Gnome and a Grape Gnome to create a Wine
Gnome in a specified player's possession.

(Bo) A player CAN combine an Air Gnome and a Fire Gnome to create a Bomb
Gnome in a specified player's possession.

(Be) A player CAN combine a Water Gnome and a Grain Gnome to create a Beer
Gnome in a specified player's possession.

(Te) A player CAN combine a Water Gnome and a Herb Gnome to create a Tea
Gnome in a specified player's possession.


Create a new power 2 Rule titled "National Gnomes":


The following types of National Gnomes exist:

British (Br)

(Br) A player CAN combine a Beer Gnome and a Tea Gnome to create a British
Gnome in a specified player's possession.

If this rule mentions at least six different specific types for National Gnomes, then a player CAN destroy one National Gnome of each such type in eir possession to satisfy the Winning Condition of Gnome World Domination.


Proposal 1954 (Democratic, AI=3.0, Interest=1) by Wooble

In R2138, replace "The portion of a public message" with "A public document".

In R1551, replace "A public document is part (possibly all) of a
public message." with "A public document is part (possibly all) of a
public message, or a version of a page on the B Nomic wiki which makes
no use of transclusion and to which a permanent link has been
published with a clear intent to designate the version as a public
document. Publishing such a link counts as publication of the

In R2143, add as a new paragraph at the end: "An officer SHOULD make
eir reports available on the B Nomic Wiki.  Short reports SHOULD be
published in their entirety to a public forum with a copy placed on
the wiki, and long reports SHOULD be placed directly on the wiki with
a link to the appropriate version published to a public forum."

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