Roger Hicks on Mon, 25 May 2009 15:21:16 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: Voting Power Overhaul

NOTE: Below rule numbers are based upon the ruleset referenced by
P1945. If it turns out this ruleset is not the correct one I will
revise this proposal.

Proposal: Voting Power Overhaul
AI: 2
II: 1
Amend R49 ("Voting on Ordinary Decisions") to read:
Each player has a Vote Power index (default 1 for first-class players
and 0 for others). Changes to Vote Power are secured.

The eligible voters on an ordinary decision are those entities that
were active players at the start of its voting period.  The voting
limit of an eligible voter on an ordinary decision is eir Vote Power
at the start of its voting period, reduced by one for each positive
multiple of 4 Rests that the voter posesses at the start of the voting

Amend R52 ("Grand Poobah") to read:
The Grand Poobah is an office. It's holder is responsible for tracking
Vote Power.

Vote Coins are a currency whose recordkeeper is the Grand Poobah. As
soon as possible after the beginning of each month the Grand Poobah
SHALL create a Vote Coin in the possession of each active first-class
player. A player CAN spend a Vote Coin in eir possession and specify a
player to increment that player's Vote Power by one. A player CAN
spend a Vote Coin in eir possession and specify a player to create a
Stain in the possession of the specified player.

Stains are a fixed currency whose recordkeeper is the Grand Poobah. As
soon as possible after the beginning of each month the Grand Poobah
CAN and SHALL select a random player who has one or more Stains and
set that player's Vote Power to 0. Then e SHALL destroy one Stain in
the possession of each player.

In R53 ("Notes") replace the list of ways notes can be spent with:
      (1) A player CAN spend three Notes forming a major chord to
create a Vote Coin in the possession of another player.

      (2) A player CAN spend five Notes forming the start of a major
scale to create a Vote Coin in eir possession.

      (3) A player CAN spend two Notes of the same pitch to make
          another player gain one Note of that pitch.

      (4) During B's Birthday, a player CAN spend Notes forming the
          melody "Happy Birthday" (GGAGCB GGAGDC GGGECBA FFECDC or a
          translation thereof) to satisfy the Winning Condition of

      (5) A player CAN spend one Note to increase another player's
          voting limit on an ordinary proposal whose voting period is
          in progress by 1.

      (6) A player CAN spend two Notes to increase eir voting limit on
          an ordinary proposal whose voting period is in progress by

      (7) A player CAN spend three Notes to gain a Note whose pitch is
          as many semitones distant from one of the Notes spent as the
          distance between the other two Notes spent.
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