Charles Walker on Sat, 9 May 2009 06:31:30 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] RP

I've sent this twice before now, but I think both failed. Apologies if you
get three near identical RPs, but in any case this is the official one.

The Pause is now 5, which means I need to form the first ballot sometime
today. If no other RPs have been posted at 5pm UTC, I will be forced to make
a ballot with only my RP on.

Here is my RP so far. The Rules are missing the Game Board and Agreements/
Factions / Contracts, as I'm not sure what needs or what everyone wants to
be written there. The Emergencies Section is also missing because I /might/
rewrite that if I have time.

Set the Rules and Sections to those at All other Game
Documents cease to be Rules. All empty Sections are destroyed.

All PEPs who voted on a RP in the most recent RP ballot become Players. All
other entities cease to be Players. All Player Attributes are set to their
Default Value. All Ministries become Vacant.

Set the Importance of each Ministry to its corresponding value in the
following table:

Ministry                       Nickname            Importance
Ministry of Law                Rulekeeper          3
Ministry of Change             Chairman            4
Ministry of Questions          Oracle              4
Ministry of Society            Registrar           3
Ministry of Ministry           Kurt Gödel, MetaMin 4
Ministry of Goods              Artisan             2
Ministry of Foreign Relations  Ambassador          2
Ministry of Squares            Carlton Banks       1
Ministry of Time               Doctor              2
Destroy all non-Historical Proposals.

Set the nday to 1, the nmonth to 160 and the nyear to 14.

Obligate everyone to dance a victorious dance, and then to punch the air in
victorious salute to the fact B is not yet dead.

Obligate the Ambassador to send an irritating message to Agora.


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