James Baxter on Wed, 15 Apr 2009 13:29:07 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] Proposal: Own The World

This is Proposal 1933.
> From: bad.leprechaun@xxxxxxxxx
> Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 11:33:29 -0400
> To: spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [s-b] Proposal: Own The World
> Quick summary of proposed changes below: Makes outsiders just external
> forces that are part of the game, rather than their projections. You can buy
> and trade anything that is not part of the game for m10. Makes Factions
> Sentient. Redefines Agreements much more loosely such that I don't think
> there should really be much ambiguity about what constitutes an Agreement or
> not. Fixes weird agreement language in agreement and faction rules (I
> think). Removes possibility of Faction ceasing to be a Faction by deciding
> so internally but not making any announcement about it.
> I Submit the following Proposal, entitled "Own The World":
> {
> This Proposal is Dependent on Proposal 1908 (Emancipation and Stickiness).
> Amend Rule 1-3 (Outsiders) to read:
> {{
> An External Force is anything which exists independently of the game. That
> is, it would still exist if the game stopped existing, and would still exist
> if the game had never started existing.
> An Outsider is an External Force that is also a Game Object. As a Game
> Object, an Outsider is bound by the Rules. These Rules do not purport to
> regulate External Forces except in relation to their interaction with the
> Game as Outsiders. [[ i.e., something that exists outside of the game but is
> also acknowledged by the rules as influencing the state of the game, and
> thus exists within the game as well, such as a player.]]
> }}
> Amend the Rule named "More About Objects" by replacing the text:
> {{
> No object can own a Sentient Object. A Dumb Object can generally come to be
> owned by another Object if allowed by other Rules.
> }}
> by:
> {{
> No object can own a Sentient Object. A Dumb Object can generally come to be
> owned by another Object if allowed by other Rules.
> Any External Force that is not currently a Game Object may be Claimed by a
> Player with at least m10, making the External Force into a Holding (a type
> of Tough, Dumb Outsider) owned by the Player. Note that a Player who becomes
> the Owner of a Holding does not necessarily also come to own tht Holding's
> possessions or components [[e.g. one who claims an Agreement does not also
> become the Owner of its Parties]]. The Owner of a Holding may transfer its
> ownership to another Player as a Game Action. Any Holding that becomes
> Sentient (e.g. by becoming a Player, Faction, or Rule) ceases to be a
> Holding and ceases to be owned.
> }}
> and by replacing:
> {{
> All Players and Rules are Sentient.
> }}
> by:
> {{
> All Players, Factions, and Rules are Sentient.
> }}
> Replace the text of Rule 5-1 (Agreements) by:
> {{
> An Agreement is an External Force that consists of, but is not necessarily
> limited to, two or more Human External Forces. Any document or set of
> documents that regulate the Agreement's operations and membership may be
> referred to collectively as a Charter by B Nomic, though the Agreement
> itself need not do so. The External Forces, other than the Charter, that
> make up an Agreement may be referred to as Parties by B Nomic, though the
> Agreement itself need not do so.
> }}
> Replace the text of Rule 5-2 (Factions) by:
> {{
> An Agreement with a Charter may become a Faction (a Sentient Game Object) by
> announcing its intent to do so if the following conditions are true:
> - The Agreement is not already a Faction or Player
> - There exists at least one Player of B Nomic who is a party to the
> Agreement.
> - The Agreement has decided, through its internal mechanisms for doing
> so, to join B Nomic as a Faction.
> - The Agreement's Charter is publicly available in an easily accessible
> manner to all Players, such as on a web page.
> A Faction may cease to be a Faction at any time as a Game Action.
> A Faction automatically ceases to be a Faction if any of the following
> events occur:
> - The Faction ceases to be an Agreement.
> - The Faction ceases to have at least one Player of B Nomic as a party to
> the Agreement.
> }}
> }
> Billy Pilgrim
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