Geoffrey Spear on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 06:35:19 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Ballot for nweek 155. Maybe.

Full text of all open proposals is available at

The proposal that had been assigned #594 probably never existed.

ehird may or may not be a player.

it may be completely impossible to submit proposals, in which case
this entire document is a lie.

this ballot will not be parsed.  please try to clearly indicate what
you're voting for, assuming you believe it's possible to vote.

Proposal  Author    Title
590       ehird     B Is Not Agora, or, Gamestate Collapsing: Yes,
Precedence: No, or, We Should Bring Back Oracularities Too, Who Wants
To Do That?
591       Murphy    Fix 5E10
592       Murphy    Fix 5E11
593       Wooble    Fix Weapons
595       j         I know a B when I see it
596       ehird     obligated friendliness
597       Murphy    Allow tweaks to be activated late

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