Ed Murphy on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 09:35:16 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] The sweep of unhistory

I ZOT all Waiting consultations that have a number less than 191, or
were submitted before January 16, 2009 at 00:00:00 UTC and have not
yet been numbered.  I believe this affects the following:

  160 "Is the MoM ever allowed to turn the Clock On?"
  170 "Do Pondered Consultations create precedents that affect how to
       accurately judge other Consultations?"
  172 {The e-mail entitled "ram" (sent by ehird) is spam. ehird is
       therefore in contravention of Rule 58.}
  173 "Are ndays Game Objects?"
  184 "Are there any Mackerel formerly owned by ehird?"
  188 ???
  ??? "Were Warrigal's macks destroyed when ehird deregistered?"

Feel free to re-submit any of these; this just saves me the trouble
of digging further back into history.
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