bad . leprechaun on Wed, 17 Dec 2008 21:37:44 -0700 (MST)

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Re: [s-b] MoQ Report - Waiting Consultations

Actually, scratch comex from the list of Ordained Players. He lost the
Property due to Consultation 160, and cannot regain it until next

Oracle BP

On 12/17/08, Jamie Dallaire <bad.leprechaun@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I gain the Ordained Property.
> The wiki MoQ display is as far as I know up to date.
> *
> The Ordained Players are:* j, ehird, Charles, Ty-Guy6, Ivan Hope/Warrigal,
> comex, Murphy, JamesB, BobTHJ, teucer, 0x44, Billy Pilgrim
> All times for projected Pondering or Reassignment refer to 00:00 UTC and are
> subject to be delayed if the clock is not On every nday until then (as would
> be the case if the proper Answer to 156 is no and the clock is not turned
> back On until tomorrow...). I'd recommend that the future Oracle wait an
> extra nday before reassigning any of these, just to make sure the
> reassignment is valid. I'm only referring to the inconsistent ones, here,
> because automatic reassignment (where priests just didn't answer) depends on
> rdays, not ndays.
> *Priests with Unanswered Consultations:*
> BobTHJ (143) - you have until 21 Dec
> Charles (164, 167) - you have until 20 Dec
> Ivan Hope/Warrigal (168) - you have until 20 Dec
> JamesB (170) - you have until 20 Dec
> teucer (160) - you have until 21 Dec
> Ty-Guy6 (165, 169) - you have until 20 Dec
> *Consultations on the way to being declared Inconsistent:*
> 156 (Priest = Ivan Hope)
> 162 (Priest = comex)
> *===Consultation 143===*
> teucer asks BobTHJ (formerly Charles): Is it currently Winday?
> Answer: None
> *===Consultation 155===*
> ehird asks comex: Did Jay violate the rules by turning the clock on in the
> above-quoted message?
> Answer: YES, (Punishment = 10 macks), will become Pondered 19 Dec 2008
> Claims: None
> *===Consultation 156===*
> Billy Pilgrim asks Ivan Hope, barring j: At the time of this Consultation's
> submission, is it currently nday 2?
> Answer: NO, will be Reassigned 21 Dec 2008
> Claims: 2 Inconsistent (Billy Pilgrim, comex)
> *===Consultation 157===*
> Ivan Hope asks ehird: There is a Player that is not a Bum.
> Answer: YES, will become Pondered 19 Dec 2008
> Claims: None
> *===Consultation 158===*
> Geoffrey Spear ("wooble@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx") asks Ivan Hope, barring JamesB: Did
> JamesB violate Rule 5E38 by posting commercial spam to the Public Forum in
> the above-quoted message and elsewhere?
> Answer: NO, will become Pondered 21 Dec 2008
> Claims: None
> *===Consultation 159===*
> ehird asks Murphy: Is the answer to this consultation NO?
> Answer: PARADOX, will become Pondered 19 Dec 2008
> Claims: None
> *===Consultation 160===*
> Sgeo asks teucer (formerly comex): Is the MoM ever allowed to turn the Clock
> On?
> Answer: None
> Claims: None
> *===Consultation 161===*
> Murphy asks Charles, barring ehird: Does the question from Consultation 159
> have to do with a matter of interpretation of the rules?
> Answer: NO, will become Pondered 21 Dec 2008
> Claims: None
> *===Consultation 162===*
> Ivan Hope asks comex, barring ehird: Did Warrigal have at least m10000 when
> this Consultation was submitted?
> Answer: YES, will be Reassigned 21 Dec 2008
> Claims: 2 Inconsistent (Murphy, Billy Pilgrim), 1 Consistent (teucer)
> *===Consultation 163===*
> teucer asks Murphy, barring comex: Does teucer have any mackerel?
> Answer: YES, will become Pondered 21 Dec 2008 (note: according to Murphy's
> calculations, teucer has m15)
> Claims: None
> *===Consultation 164===*
> teucer asks Charles: Are mackerel fungible?
> Answer: None
> *===Consultation 165===*
> teucer asks Ty-Guy6, barring ehird: Does there exist a square with the color
> (255,255,255)?
> Answer: None
> *===Consultation 166===*
> teucer asks Murphy, barring comex: Were any mackerel successfully destroyed
> by the Pencil Sharpener?
> Answer: NO, will become Pondered 22 Dec 2008
> Claims: 1 Inconsistent (Ivan Hope), 1 Consistent (Billy Pilgrim)
> *===Consultation 167===*
> teucer asks Charles, barring comex: Did the Pencil Sharpener do anything at
> all?
> Answer: None
> *===Consultation 168===*
> teucer asks Ivan Hope, barring ehird: Are the answers to Pondered
> Consultations correct, after the Consultations become Pondered?
> Answer: None
> *
> ===Consultation 169===*
> teucer asks Ty-Guy6, barring ehird: Do the answers to Pondered Consultations
> become correct when the Consultations become Pondered?
> Answer: None
> *
> ===Consultation 170===*
> teucer asks JamesB, barring ehird: Do Pondered Consultations create
> precedents that affect how to accurately judge other Consultations?
> Answer: None
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