Jay Campbell on Mon, 8 Dec 2008 18:48:21 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] [Fwd: Re: [s-d] My favored refreshments]

The correct text of Warrigal's Refresh Proposal is (I think) this:

/* Revised per Warrigal, Codae, Tyler */

Set the rules to match what was shown at
at the start of the current emergency, except with the following

Rename Rule 5E1 (The Game of C Nomic) to "The Game of B Nomic".

Amend Rule 5E2 (Game Objects) by replacing this text:

     The game of B Nomic consists entirely of Game Objects,
     which may be known simply as Objects.

with this text:

     The game of B Nomic consists entirely of Game Objects
     (which may be known simply as Objects) and their attributes.

and by replacing this text:

     Aspects of Game Objects defined by the Rules can only be
     modified if allowed by the Rules, in a manner explicitly
     governed by the Rules.

this text:

     Rule-defined Game Objects can only be created or destroyed,
     and rule-defined attributes of Game Objects can only be
     modified, in a manner explicitly allowed and governed by
     the rules.

Amend Rule 5E3 (Switches) to read:

     A switch is a type of attribute of Game Objects, which is
     either On (aka Yes or True) or Off (aka No or False),
     default Off unless otherwise specified by the rules.  A
     switch may also be described as a property that is either
     possessed (On) or not possessed (Off), and can be gained/added
     (changed to On) or lost/removed (changed to Off).

     The adjective form of a Switch or its negation can be applied
     to an Object to unambiguously denote whether the Object's
     relevant switch is On. /* e.g. "an Active Player" means
     "a Player whose Active Switch is On"; "a Non-Vested Player"
     means "a Player whose Vested Switch is Off" */

     Clauses allowing a Switch to be changed are active-voice and
     reflexive by default.  /* e.g. "a Player may gain the Ordained
     Property" means "a Player may change eir own Ordained Switch to
     On", not "a Player's Ordained Switch may be changed to On by
     any player" */

Set the gamestate to what it would be if this rule had had this text
since the alleged start of the Fifth Era.

Amend Rule 5E6 (Fora) to read:

     A Forum is an External Force that allows Outsiders to communicate.

     Each Forum has the attribute Publicity, which is either Public,
     Discussion, or Private (default).  The Registrar may change a
     Forum's Publicity without objection.

     A Public Forum is a Game Object.

Set the Publicity of each Forum as follows:

 * spoon-business@xxxxxxxxx mailing list - Public
 * spoon-discuss@xxxxxxxxx mailing list - Discussion
 * spoon-notices@xxxxxxxxx mailing list - Public
 * All others - Private

Amend Rule 5E17 (Eras) by replacing "REAL_START" with "2 Dec 2008".

Amend Rule 5E23 (Electing Ministries) by replacing this text:

     Any Player may, as a Game Action, nominate a Player for a
     Ministry, becoming a Possible Candidate for that Ministry,
     unless that Ministry has an Election in Voting.

with this text:

     Any Player may, as a Game Action, nominate a Player for a
     Ministry that does not have an Election in Voting.  The
     nominated Player then becomes a Possible Candidate for
     that Ministry.

Amend Rule 5E48 (The Grid) by replacing this text:

     Initially, all Players are Resident in the Square (0,0).

with this text:

     Initially, each Player is Unsquared.

Each Player becomes Unsquared.

Each Player with less than m100 comes to have a total of m100.

Each Player with less than 100 health comes to have a total of 100

Each Weapon is destroyed.

Set the ministry holders and salaries to match what was shown at
at the start of the current emergency.

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