Jamie Dallaire on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 15:35:12 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Proposal: Cadavre Exquis

I briefly considered letting this go on for another round's worth of
paragraphs, but I'm thinking I'm better off ending it now before it gets
even *more* ungodly... Make what sense of if you would like ;-)

Thanks to everyone who contributed!

I submit the following Proposal, entitled "Cadavre Exquis":
[[Co-authors: ehird, Phil, ais523, 0x44, Charles]]

Create a new Rule with the following text:
Flavour is an Attribute with a Scope of all Game Objects, a Range of
{Strangeness, Charm, Truth, Beauty}, and a Default Value of Strangeness. As
a function of their Flavour, Game Objects may be described, respectively, as
Strange, Charmed, True, or Beautiful.

A Player may destroy 10 macks to Flip (i.e. change its Flavour) a Strange
object to Charmed, a Charmed object to True, or a True object to Beautiful,
specifying the object and the Flavour to transition it to - this is a Game
Action. A Player may flip a Beautiful object to True, a True object to
Charmed, or a Charmed object to Strange, specifying the object and the
Flavour to transition it to, gaining 10 macks in the process - this is also
a Game Action.

The Overbar is a Game Object. There exists an Attribute called "Holder" with
a Scope of The Overbar, a Range of all Players, and a default value of Billy
Pilgrim. The Overbar is said to be "held," "owned," or "possessed by" its
Holder. The Player who holds the Overbar may be referred to as the

There exists an Attribute called Antithesis, with a Scope and Range of all
Game Objects, defaulting to The Operantly Conditioned Beast; the Antiplayer
is the Antithesis of all other Players. Any Player may change any
non-Player's Antithesis without objection within a Jiffy; this is a game
action. Whenever a player performs a game action which destroys both a Game
Object and its Antithesis (and possibly does other things), they gain 50
macks; if in addition no changes are made to Game Objects apart from the
destruction of the Object and its Antithesis and this gain of mack, the
player in question gains another 150 macks.

There exists an Attribute called Entanglement, with a Scope and Range of all
Players and the Operantly Conditioned Beast, defaulting to null. To be added
to a Player's Entanglement set is to be called Entangled with that Player.
Once per nweek, the Antiplayer may, as a game action with support, switch
the values of any two Player's Antithesis attributes. Each Player whose
Anthithesis attribute is altered, becomes Entangled with the other.

Players who are Entangled with each other may not object to Game Actions the
other attempts to perform, or take any Game Actions which would cause the
same proposal to be in both of their Platforms. If a Proposal is in both of
the Platforms of two Entangled players, it is removed from both Platforms.
"Disentangle from" means "cease to be Entangled with". Any player who is not
currently a Politician may Disentangle from another player by adding one of
that player's proposals to their Platform. Such a proposal is "Protected".
Players may not remove Protected proposals from their Platforms. When a
proposal becomes Protected, it is added to the Platform of the Antiplayer,
if it is not there already.

Billy Pilgrim
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