Jay Campbell on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 16:12:37 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Consultation assignments

Currently ordained players besides the J the MoQ: Charles, Billy 
Pilgrim, Wooble, teucer

Wooble is already considering Consultation 133 "Did comex, within the 
first 2 hours (UTC) of October 10th, 2008, submit a Transaction to 
spoon-business which read, in its entirety (please ignore spacing and 
returns): {{The name of the game is C Nomic. I forfeit the game.}}?"

Given C Nomic's current status, I will ZOT this consultation at Priest 
Wooble's request.

Consultation 131 "C Nomic has been identical to B Nomic?" will become 
Pondered as True tomorrow.

I assign these Priests:

teucer to Consultation 130 "At the time of submission of this 
consultation, is the player named Charles the only player with a Baby 
Blue sock?" (was Phil's)

Charles to Consultation 134 "Has ehird violated Section 3 of the 
Contract of Epimenides?" (was Phil's)

Wooble to new Consultation 135 "Are parties bound by the plaintext of 
contracts whose stated text is in some sort of encrypted form?"

Billy Pilgrim to new Consultation 136 "Does an otherwise legal action 
that purports to "retroactively simulate" something have any effect on 
the gamestate?"

This is reflected in the MoQ public display, let me know if I missed 

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