Jay Campbell on Tue, 7 Oct 2008 17:13:46 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Emancipation

I submit this consultation:

Question: Is J a party to the Baby Blue Corporation contract?

Unbeliever: J

Reasoning: The Baby Blue contract specifies, "Any member of this 
contract which does not hold at least one XXX sock ceases to be a member 
of this contract."

To be a "member of" this contract is semantically equivalent to being a 
"party to" it. I should be removed as a party to the Baby Blue and Brick 
Red contracts.

As part of the Oracularity, I ask to be removed as a party to Black 
Corporation as well, barring objection from its other Sockholders, 
saving them a motion and vote.

[ if you don't buy it, at least you can't blame me for trying ]

[ btw who wrote the initial text of those contracts - what was the 
intent there, actually joining the contract, or declaring membership 
that only existed "on paper" ? this is the source of my mistake, obviously ]
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