Jay Campbell on Tue, 7 Oct 2008 15:54:04 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Unlocking J's Holding Company

I submit the following plaintext passphrases to unlock J's Holding 
Company: corporateveil, editmodeon.

I submit this replacement text for the Contract J's Holding Company: {{ 
This Contract is the Articles of Incorporation for the Corporation: J's 
Holding Company. This Corporation has a single Officer, the B Nomic 
Player J, who may take any action on behalf of this Corporation by 
sending a message to a B Nomic Public Forum. }}

As the officer of J's Holding Company,  { Transfer all Socks and 487 
macks to J. }

I become a member and Voting Sockholder of the Blue Corporation.

I submit this motion to Blue Corporation: { Install J as CEO. } In two 
rdays, I resolve that motion.
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