Jay Campbell on Fri, 3 Oct 2008 21:07:04 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Inflationary Language


I create the following corporation contract titled "Bailout":  

{{ This contract serves as the articles of incorporation for the 
corporation "Bailout", which has one officer, J, who may leave this 
contract at any time. If J posts the phrase "I receive a bajillion 
points", this contract creates a bajillion points and transfers them to 
J. }}

I receive a bajillion points.

I convert a bajillion points to macks.

I transfer 450,000 macks to Billy Pilgrim's fourth-from-the-last point, 
#336 of 339, a currency owning object. Getting them out is an exercise I 
leave for BP.

I transfer all my macks to J's Holding Company.

I leave the contract Bailout, which ceases to exist.



* One B Nomic Bajillion (100 000 000 000 000) is roughly equivalent to 
the on-paper dollars created by the Credit Default Swap system, so this 
isn't without precedent...
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