Jamie Dallaire on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 21:45:38 -0700 (MST)

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[s-b] Ministry of Society Report

*The following changes occurred at the nweek 146-147 transition*
Legend: pXX = + XX points, mXX = + XX macks, +/-V = +/- Vested Property*

*Each player on this list received m25 for being Active.

Charles            p39              m325 (Law, Change, Laundry)
BP                  p18              m325 (Society, Fauna, Time)
Ivan Hope          p9                m25
0x44               p10                m25
BobTHJ             p7                m25
Codae             p10              m125 (Judging)
J                     p10                m25*
                                                 *Awarded m1025 Jackpot by
The Beast!
Hose               p13
m25                                                   +V
MCTMike          p7                m25
Wooble           p56
m25                                                   +V
Phil                 p10                m25
m25                                                   -V
The Beast                             m25*
                                                 *Awarded m1025 Jackpot to
j! (Now has NO MACK)

Public Display of Current Gamestate: http://b.nomic.net/index.php/Players

Minister of Society,
Billy Pilgrim
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